Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1838

Journal Entry

January 01, 1838 ~ Monday

JAN. 1st 1838. I Willford am now standing upon one of the Islands of the sea in defence
of the truth and for the word of GOD and the testimony of JESUS CHRIST. I am in North America
North Lat 44 West Long 68 46 South Fox Islands Vinalhaven Maine. I am labouring in the ministry
alone at this time. I am blessed, however, with the company of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff my companion &
friend: O may the LORD bless us in all rightoousness. O may the God of Abram Isaac & Jacob stand
by me and give me many souls as seals of my ministry during this year. May HE enable me to go and
come at his bidding & keep his commandments in all things. I have been declairing the word of God
faithfully through these Islands for many dayes and the Spirit of GOD is like fire, in a dry stubble,
among the people. Prejudice is rolling away like a torrent & GOD is manifesting his work in mighty

I spent this NEW YEARS DAY in the following manner. I visited the Saints & neighbours
& found the solemnities of Eternity resting upon the people some crying what shall I do to be saved
I met a congregation at Capt Charles Brown at 2 PM. I led three persons down into the sea and
Baptized them which were two sea captains and one lady viz CAPT Charles Brown, CAPT.
Jesse Coombs & his wife we had an interesting time in the confermation. After meeting in
company with Mrs Woodruff I rode in a wherry by watter to Brother Thomas Arey's 2nd & spent
the evening with a number of the Saints in reading, singing, and Prayer. distance of the day 7 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

244 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Brown, Charles
abt. 1805-1839
37 mentions
Family, Maine Mission
Coombs, Desire Harding
30 Jan 1805 - 16 Nov 1895
4 mentions
Maine Mission
100 mentions
Scriptural Figure
169 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Coombs, Jesse, b. 1805
20 Jan 1805 - 22 Mar 1876
7 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
8 mentions
Maine Mission


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I have been declairing the word of God faithfully through these Islands for many days and the spirit of GOD is like fire, in a dry stubble, among the people.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

found me standing upon one of the islands of the sea, a minister of the gospel of life offer salva- tion unto the people, laboring alone, though blessed with the

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I spent the in visiting the Saints and neighbours and found the solemnities of eternity resting upon the people some crying "What shall I do to be saved." In the afternoon I met a congregation at Capt Charles Brown's and led three persons down into the sea and baptised them. They were Capt Charles Brown and Capt Jesse Coombs and his wife. We had an interesting time in the confirmation. After meeting^,^ in company of Mrs Woodruff I went in a boat to brother Thomas Arey's and spent the evening with a number of Saints in reading singing and prayer

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

found me standing upon one of the islands of the sea, a minister of the gospel of life and salva- tion unto the people, laboring alone, though blessed with the society of Mrs. Woodruff, my companion. I had been declaring the word of the Lord through the islands many days, the Spirit of God was working among the people, preju- dice was giving way, and the power of God was manifest by signs following those who believed. I spent this New Year's Day visiting the Saints and their neighbors, and met a congregation at Captain Charles Brown's, where I spoke to them for awhile, and at the close of my remarks led three per- sons down into the sea and baptized them. Two of these were sea captains, namely, Charles Brown, and Jesse Coombs, and the third was the wife of Captain Coombs. After confirming them we spent the evening in preaching, sing- ing and praying. I held meetings almost daily with the

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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Jan 1, 1838