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Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1838

Journal Entry

June 23, 1838 ~ Saturday

23 I spent the day visiting my relatives & acquaintances I called upon Grandmother Thompson & Abie Thompson &
had a plasant visit with them. I called upon Michael Woodruff & family, little Joseph Hart Also Michael Barber
I Dined with Mr Carlos Day at Roger Woodford's Cousin Eldad Woodruff was present. I next called upon Uncle
Titus Woodruff I here conversed with two aged widow's of about 90 years of age viz Mrs Thomas & Mrs Allen. I then
visited Capt Francis & Erastus Woodruff I saw Silus & Adna Woodruff. I called upon Julius Fuller I here found
Uncle Ozem Woodruff I saw Cousin Caltha Herd. I had an interview with Cousin Horace Woodruff I had not seen
him before for 7 or 8 years he has been residing with his brother in law Benjamin Withenbury in Ashtabula, Andover Co[unty]
Ohio Romanta Barber & other friends reside near by the same place. I lastly called upon Uncle Thadeus^Alson^ Thomp-
& spent the night with him. Distance of the day 4 miles


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4 mentions
12 mentions
Thompson, Anna Hart, b. 1756
21 Jul 1756 - 27 Sep 1839
28 mentions
1 mention
4 mentions
Woodruff, Eldad, b. 1812
22 Feb 1812 - 25 Oct 1881
16 mentions
10 mentions
8 mentions
13 mentions
3 mentions
4 mentions
Alling, Mary Wolcott
3 Oct 1778 - 22 Sep 1857
5 mentions
3 mentions
2 mentions
Woodruff, Ozem, b. 1787
3 Nov 1787 - 18 Feb 1871
154 mentions
5 mentions
2 mentions
Woodruff, Signora Caltha Hurd
20 Oct 1810 - 19 Mar 1891
6 mentions
3 mentions
Woodruff, Titus
30 Apr 1782 - 30 May 1864
37 mentions


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{The Lord often causes the pride of the rich and proud learned to be brought at the feet of weak things}
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
23 I spent the day visiting my relatives & acquaintances I called upon Grandmother Thompson, Aunt Abie, Michael Woodruff & family little Joseph Hart Also Mich- ael Barber I dined with cousin Eldad Woodruff & Carlos Day at Roger Woo- dfords I next called upon Uncle Titus
Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
Woodruff from there I walked to Capt Francis & Erastus Woodruff I saw Adna & Silus from thence to Julius Fullors I had an interview with cousin Horace Woodruff I spent the night with uncle Alson Thompson Distance of the day 4 miles


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford receives news of his calling as an apostle; and call to go on mission to England with apostles.

Jun 23, 1838