9 I walked to Mr Ebenezer Carvers from thence to Br Ephraim Luce I here met the Saints for a prayer meeting
& to council together Brother Justus Ames soon came in and brought with him the Elders Journal it was
the third No. printed but the first that was published in far west it was Dated July 1838. It contained ma-
ny important Items. It spread before the world all the procedings of the Saints in the west such as the
clensing of the Church, their councils & procedings & the names of those that were cut off from the
Church & had made shipwreck of faith &c. Brother Ames presented me also with a letter from Elder
Thomas B. Marsh containing important intelligence to myself as well as others. The letter was dated July 14th
1838. After meeting I walked to Brother Ames & spent the night {But sleep departed from me as I spent the night in deep meditation.} Distance 5
A Coppy of a letter Written by Elder Thomas B. Marsh Directed to Elder Willford Woodruff Dated July 14, 1838
Elder W. Woodruff,
Sir; a fiew days since Prest. Joseph Smith jr and some others were assembled to
attend to some Church business when it was thought proper to select those who was designed of the
LORD to fill the places of those of the twelve who had fallen away namely Wm E Mclellin,
Lyman E. Johnson, Luke Johnson, and John F. Bointon. The persons selected were John E. Page, John
Taylor, Willford Woodruff and Wilard Richards. On the following day five of the twelve with
President Rigdon and some others met and resolved that President Rigdon write to Br Richards who
is now in England and inform him of his appointment, and that P. P. Pratt write to Orson Pratt and
inform him that the LORD has commanded that the [FIGURE] 12 assemble in this place as soon as possible
and that I should write to yourself. Know then Brother Woodruff by this that you are appointed to fill
the place of one of the twelve apostles; and that it is agreeable to the word of the LORD given vary
lately that you should come spedily to far west. And on the 26 of April next to take your leave
of the Saints here and depart for other climes acrosts the mighty deep! Yours in the love of God
Thomas B. Marsh
Wilford Woodruff
Far West July 14th 1838
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