Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1838

Journal Entry

July 25, 1838 ~ Wednesday

25 I laboured for Sister Foss & spent the night at father Carters. I dreamed many enemies were seeking my life & while
they were striving to destroy me Samuel Deming presented me with the following words & wished me to tell
what they meant viz "Go unto Babylon arise go quickly for thou shalt go unto the dead"


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Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions


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View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives news of his calling as an apostle; and call to go on mission to England with apostles.

Jul 25, 1838