Day in the Life

Dec 2, 1838

Journal Entry

December 02, 1838 ~ Sunday

Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were of such a nature we were oblieged to remove from the Inn whare we
spent the night Phebe feels as though she had but a breath of life left in her body I carried her into the waggon & drove 2
miles at the house of Mr Makinzie & put up for the present at least untill Phebe recovers her health in some degree
or departs this life we went into a house by ourselves which was much better than to be crouded by other families how
long we shall tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother Thomas passed us again to day Brother Townsend was
quite sick after geting my wife & things into the house & my horses put out I confined myself to the taking
care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gate of death she called me to her bedside in the evening
& said she felt as though a few moments more would end her existance in this life & manifested
great confidence in the cause she had embraced & exhorted us to confidence & in God & to keep his
commandments & to appearance was a dying but she again revived as on the day before I prayed
with her & lade hands upon her & commended [her] unto God she revived & slept some during the night 2 [miles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Townsend, James Foss
20 Feb 1808 - 2 Apr 1886
5 mentions
Thomas, Nathaniel
abt. 1803-1844
73 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1583 mentions

Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

was on Sunday morning, . After getting my wife and things into the house and wood provided to keep up a fire, I employed my time in taking care of her. It looked as though she had but a short time to live. She called me to her bedside in the evening and said she felt as though a few moments more would end her existence in this life. She manifested great confidence in the cause she had embraced, and exhorted me to have confidence in God and to keep His commandments. To all appearances, she was dying. I laid hands upon her and prayed for her, and she soon revived and slept some during the night.

Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)

Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were such we were obliedged to remove from the Inn whare we put up Phebe felt as though she had but a breth of life left in her body I carried her into the waggon & drove 2 miles at the house of Mr Makinzie & put up for the present at least untill my wife dies or recovers of the Brain fever which is preying upon her system we went into a house to tarry by ourselves which is much plesenter than to be crowded into other families how long we shall tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother Thomas & his company again passed us this day Brother Townsend was vary sick after getting my wife & things into the house & my team put out I confined myself to taking care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gates of Death she called me to her bed side in the evening & said she felt that a few moments more woul would end her existence in this life she manifested great confidence in the caus she had embraced & exhorted us to co- nfidence in God & to keep his commandm- ents & to appearance was dying but she aga in revived as on the day before I prayed with her & layd hands upon her & com mended her to God She revived & slept some during the night distance 2 miles

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

The next day was Sunday It was absolutely necessary to discontinue our journey and I concluded that for awhile we would tarry until Phebe had recovered her health in some degree or departed this life This settled and the next part was to remove from the In for our circumstance would not permit our remaining there. I therefore carried her into the wagon and drove two miles to the house of Mr McKenzie and put up not knowing how long we should have to tarry for Phebe felt as though she only had a breath of life remaining. During the day brother Thomas and his little afflicted company passed us again. The child whom I have already mentioned who died on the road was a daughter of brother Thomas. Elder Townsend who was travelling with him was now also sick. After getting my wife and things into the house and my horse put out I devoted myself to the taking care of my wife. In the evening she called me to her bedside and said that she felt as though a few moments more would end her existence in this life

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

morning, . After getting my wife and things into the house and wood provided to keep up a fire, I employed my time in taking care of her. It looked as though she had but a short time to live. She called me to her bedside in the evening and said she felt as though a few moments more would end her exist- ence in this life. She manifested great confidence in the cause she had em- braced, and exhorted me to have confi- dence in God, and to keep his com- mandments. To all appearances she was dying. I laid hands upon her and prayed for her, and she soon revived and slept some dur- ing the night.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 2, 1838