Day in the Life

Mar 8, 1839

Journal Entry

March 08, 1839 ~ Friday


Springfield Ill Friday March 8th 1839

Minutes of a conference of Elders Priest &c held in Springfield in the brick meeting house occupied by the Campbellites
commencing on the day of the date above. At about 11 oclock the house was called to order by Edwin P. Merriam the
Presiding Elder of the Springfield branch who lead the house to the choice of a moderater. Elder Jonathan Dunham was
chosen to act as moderator & Elder Edwin P Merriam as clerk. Elder Wilford Woodruff opened the conference by prayer
The conference was composed of eight of the quorum of seventies 6 Elders 3 Priests 3 Teachers 1 Deacon & 3 members
The moderator then requested the Brethren present to give in there views their feelings & determinations in
regard to things pertaining to the kingdom of God & if they had any hardness or grievances against any of the

Brethren or sisters in the Church of Christ to make it manifest. Most of the brethren then present arose sepera-
tely & gave their statements as requested above & all declared that they had nothing lade up against any
one but all desired the wellfare & prosperity of Christ Kingdom on the earth. Elder Woodruff then gave an add
ress to the conference laying before them many things which he had experianced & teaching also many things which
are of the greatest importance to those who are going forth to labour in the Lords vineyard &c. Br Joseph Mc
was recommended for ordination from the branch in Jacksonville & was ordained an Elder under the
hands of Elders W. Woodruff J. Dunham & D. Carter. Br James Higby was presented from this branch but some
objections were raised against him therefore the subject was waved. Br Brewster was then presented for ordination
after some inquiries were made & some objections raised the minds of the conference was called by a vote & all but 3
who were present were in favor of his receeiving an ordination.

Voted to adjourn till tomorrow morning
at 8 oclock. Preaching in the evening to a respectable congregation by Elder Woodruff.


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Related Documents

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Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I attended a Con- ference at Springfield, Illinois.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

the winter laboring with my ^hands^ for the support of my family. On the 8th day of March 1839 I attended a conference at Springfield Ill. their was present 8 seventies 6 Elders 3 priest and 1 Deacon, several were presented on ordination, we ordained 2 Elders & one priest. Brother Brewster was presented for ordination and Brother Dunham strongly urged that he be ordained as did several others. I strongly objected to it for I felt that the spirit the man possessed was not of God, a strong influence was got up in his favor in Springfield, I called a vote of the Elders upon the subject and all voted for him to be ordained except 3 of us two besides myself he then came foreward d and demanded baptism ^ordination^ at my hands ^in the name of Jesus Christ^ I told him he should not be ordained by my consent, for that was not the way God imparted the Holy priesthood to the children of man he was not ordained and I marvelled that so many should have voted for his ordination after seeing the spirit he manifested

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I attended a conference at Springfield, Ills.,

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Its commenced on Friday . I attended it and from this date another stage of my history began. I became strongly impressed by the Spirit about this time to go to Quincy Adams County Illinois to visit the body of the Church which had fled to that place to find an asylum for a season from the perilous persecutions which they had been receiving from the inhabitants of the State of Missouri I accordingly set out for Quincy which is one hundred and twenty miles from Springfiled. I was accompanied by my

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— I attended a conference at Springfield, Illinois.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church leaders escape while being transported for trial with the help of their guards; Church members move to Commerce, Illinois and establish Nauvoo.
Wilford receives the official call to serve his third mission.

Mar 8, 1839