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Day in the Life

Nov 19, 1839

Journal Entry

November 19, 1839 ~ Tuesday

19th CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK. I had an interview in the morning with Elder
James, & Albert Brown. I met in conference with the Elders & Church according to Appoint-
ment & after spending the day in transacting such business as was necessary Elder Lanes
case was brought up, & tried for being high minded trying to usurp power & taking an unwise
course in Preaching he confessed his fault & was restorded I spent the night at Br Albrights


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7 mentions
James, Samuel
18 Jan 1806 - after 1880
15 mentions
8 mentions


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Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)
19th CONFERENCE in New York I had an inter view in the morning with Elders James & Albert Brown I met in Conference with the Elders & Church according to appointment & after spending the day in transacting such business as was necessary {shorthand} I spent the daynight at Albrights
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
Nov 19th ^^ and on the we held a Conference in this city.


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Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).
Church membership is 16,800; population of the 26 United States is 17,100,000.

Nov 19, 1839