Day in the Life

Apr 9, 1840

Journal Entry

April 09, 1840 ~ Thursday
Benjamin Hill th Hawcross

9th [FIGURES] I recieved two letters one from Elder
Richards, one from Elder Taylor informing me
of the arival of five of the Twelve one Seventy
& they had appointed a conference in preston
on Wednesday the 15th of April & wished me
to attend. I preached at Wm Simons at Haw
to a vast mass of human beings &
not a quarter of the people could not get
in to the house, & their was many of the baser
sort present, & the house was much disturbed
by the crouding of the people. the people did
not break up for several hours. many wished
to be Baptized but could not because of the
croud & mob, but some wih wishing to be baptized
notwithstanding the persecution I repared to
the pool about 12 oclock at night which was
surrounded by a desperate mob of the gentiles I
went down into the water & Baptized 5 persons
in the midst of a shower of stones flung at
me by the mob, & while they were pelting my
Body with stones One of which hit me in the
top of my head which nearly knocked me down
into the water with the man that I was Baptizing
but the Lord saved me from falling & I continued

untill I had closed my Baptizing & my mind
was stayed on God. I then walked to Dimock
&, spent the night at Brother Kington distance 9 mil


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hill, Benjamin
1797-aft. 1845
10 mentions
1840 British Convert
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Kington, Thomas
18 May 1794 - 1 Jul 1874
184 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
Simonds, William
bef. 1820-1843
9 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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notwithstanding the persecution I repared to the pool about 12 oclock at night which was surrounded by a desperate mob of the gentiles I went down into the water & Baptized 5 persons in the midst of a shower of stones flung at me by the mob. & while they were pelting my Body with stones One of which hit me in the top of my head which nearly knocked me down into the water with the man that I was Baptizing but the Lord saved me from falling & I continued
~ Wilford Woodruff
untill I had closed my Baptizing & my mind was stayed on God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts

Hawcross Worceshire

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

On the I had an appointment at Haw Cross as I was going into the meeting some letters was put into my hands from Elder Brigham Young and others informing me of the ^his^ arrival of with five of the Twelve with him and requested me to come to Preston ad and

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

On the I had an appointment at Haw Cross, as I was going into the meeting, letters were put into my hands from Elder Brigham Young and others informing me of his arrival with five of the Twelve, and requested me to come to Preston, and attend a general conference,— a vast assembly had gathered at to attend my meeting, the house, yard and street wasere crowded, a mob had also gathered; I preached to the people, five came forward and wished to be baptized

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

After preaching the to a large congregation many wished to be baptised but could not on account of the mob but some wished to be baptised notwithstanding the persecution At about twelve o'clock at night I went to the pond to baptise. It was surrounded by a desperate mob and I baptised five persons in the midst of a shower of stones one of which hit me in the head and ^which nearly^ knocked me down with the man whom I was baptised [baptizing] The next day I baptised 3 and I rode to Wolver- ampton and then took rail to Stafford. Here I found ten thousand people gathered to witness the hanging of two men. I came as near to the jail as I could and in a few minutes they came upon the scaffold and almost immediately they were lanched into eternity The gallows remained until 3' oclock when it was removed I went into the jail and had an interview with Elder Turley who had been falsely imprisoned upon a warrent for debt which had been contracted fifteen years before he left England and which he supposed was settled I spent the night with brother Hulme and having spent the two next days in this district I took coach with Elder Clark for Manchester and then being joined by Elder Clayton we took the cars for Preston.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

On the , I had an appoint- ment at Haw Cross. As I was going into the meeting, letters were put into my hands from Elder Brigham Young and others, informing me of his arri- val with five of the Twelve, and re- questing me to come to Preston, and attend a General Conference. A vast assembly had gathered to attend my meeting; the house, yard and street were crowded; a mob had also gather- ed. I preached to the people; five came forward to be baptized. The mob surrounded the pool, armed with stones. I dismissed the meeting and went away, but the congregation and mob remained on the ground till mid- night; and as there was no prospect of their dispersing, and the candidates were anxious to be baptized, I went down into the water and baptized five, in the midst of a shower of stones. The water was all in a foam for a rod around me. None that I baptized were hit, and I was only hit twice, once on my hip and once on my head; the blow on my head raised a large bump, which went away while I was confirming. Subsequently I baptized many of the mob. I left next morning for Preston, and attended the Conference with the Twelve, and returned to Hereford- shire, accompanied by Elder Brigham

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

On the , I had an apointment at Haw Cross. As I was going into the meeting, letters were put into my hands from Elder Brigham Young and others, informing me of his arrival with five of the Twelve, and re- questing me to come to Preston, and attend a general conference. A vast assembly had gathered to attend my meeting; the house, yard, and street were crowded; a mob had also gathered. I preached to the people; five came forward to be baptized. The mob surrounded the pool, armed with stones. I dismissed the meeting, and went away; but the congrega- tion and mob remained on the ground till mid- night; and as there was no prospect of their dispersing, and the candidates were anxious to be baptized, I went down into the water and baptized five in the midst of a shower of stones. The water was all in a foam for a rod around me. None that I baptized were hit, and I was only hit twice, once on my hip and once on my head; the blow on my head raised a large bump, which went away while I was confirming: subsequently I baptized many of the mob. I left next morning for Preston, and attended the conference with the Twelve, and returned to Herefordshire, accompanied by Elder Brig-


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Apr 9, 1840