Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1840

Journal Entry

April 11, 1840 ~ Saturday

th I started for Preston to attend
conference & returnd on the

11th I arose at 1 oclock & rose in a horse cart
to Worcester 16 [miles]. I then took coach & rode to
Wolverhampton 35 I then took roail road to
Stafford 18. I started to go [to] the gail to visit
Brother Turley & I saw a large congregation
of people of about 10,000 gathered together at
the gail & on enquiring the cause I was
informed two men was to be hung. I
came as near as I could of the gail. I soon
saw the gallows erected & in a few moments
James Owen & George Thomas was taken on to
the scaffold & a rope put round their necks

& in an instant they were droped into Eterni
ty for murder precicely at 1 oclok & the rope
cut & their bodies droped at 2 oclock. the gallows
removed at 3 oclok I then went into the gail
& had an interview with Elder Turley who
was unlawfully put into prision. I spent
an hour with him. I carried him some
provision, & read the Letters to him which I
had written to him. I left him in good health
& spirits & walked to Stone from thence to Stoke
upon trent
15 [miles] stoped & spent the night with Brother
Hulme. I was weary in body have been
travling 20 hours the whole distance 84 miles


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Owen, James
unk -1840
1 mention
Historical Figure
Turley, Theodore
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871
13 mentions


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untill I had closed my Baptizing & my mind was stayed on God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts
I started for Preston to attend conference & returned on the greenway 140 James Williams ^20^ James Clift Eliza Whithorn William Smith


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Apr 11, 1840