London, .
As we consider it perfectly
consistant with our calling, with rea-
son and revelation, that we should
form a knowledge of kingdoms and
countries, whether it be at home or
abroad, whether it be ancient or mod-
ern, or whether it be of things past
present or to come, whether it be in
heaven, earth or hell, air or seas; or
whether we obtain this knowledge by
being local or travelling, by study or
by faith, by dreams or by visions, by
revelation or by prophecy, iit mattereth
not unto us; if we can but obtain a cor-
rect principle and knowledge of things
as they are, in their true light, past,
present, and to come. It is under such
a view of things that we are endeavor-
ing to avail ourselves of every oppor-
tunity in our travels among the na-
tions of the earth, to record an account
of things as they pass under our obser-
vation; extracts of which we may for-
ward to you from time to time, which
may not be uninteresting to your rea-
ders. We will on this occasion make
a few extracts from Elder Woodruff's
Journal, concerning certain places
which we visited while in the city of
London, which is at your disposal.
On the 21st of August 1840 we vis-
ited the noted monument erected in
commemoration of the dreadful fire of
London, in the year 1666, built under
the inspection of that great architect,
Sir Christopher Wren. We entered a
door at its base, (paid 1d on entering)
and ascended 345 black marble steps,
which brought us 200 feet into the air,
about 150 feet above the highest dwel-
lings; we stepped on the outside of the
pillar; surrounded by an iron railing,
which at ones presented to our view
an indescribable scenery upon every
hand. Here we are standing 200 feet
in the air, upon the highest and finest
modern column in the world, and with
the glance of the naked eye, we could
overlook, and survey the largest, most
noted, populous and splendid commer-
cial city upon the face of the whole
earth; even a city containing a million
and a half of human beings, and such
a grand scenery, and sublime prospect
our eyes never before beheld. We
were situated so as to overlook nearly
the whole city. East of us lay the
splendid Tower of London and the
Mint. North the mansion of the Lord
Mayor of London and the Bank of Eng-
land. Northwest, St. Pauls Cathe-
dral. West, Westminster Abbey,
House of Parliament, Buckingham Pal-
ace, &c. South lies the river Thames
running from west to east with five
large arched bridges across it in full
view, and another which is not seen
from the pillar, making six, five of
which are hewn stone, and one is all
of solid cast iron, viz: Southwark,
while London, Blackfriars, Waterloo,
Westminster and Vauxhall bridges,
are all stone. On the south of the
river lies the Borough &c. In addi-
tion to these were hundreds of church-
es, chapels, spires and monuments
standing in the midst of one universal,
dense mass of brick and stone buildings;
covering about six miles square of
ground. While viewing this scenery
in a clear day and beholding the
streets and bridges crowded with hu-
man beings of every rank and station,
and with beasts and vehicles of every
kind, and the Thames covered with
British Shipping, from the skiff to the
man of war, a Prussian traveler, (citi-
zen of Berlin) who was standing by
our side, exclaims, "I have traveled
over Europe and Asia and other parts
of the world, but I have never before
found a spot upon the face of the earth
which hath presented to my view as
grand a scenery as the one now lying
before us." This monument is 24
feet higher than Trajans Pillar at
Rome: it cost $75,500. The follow-
ing is inscribed upon one side of the
monument in Latin. "In the year of
Christ 1666, the second day of Sept.,
from hence at the distance of two hun-
dred and two feet, the height of this
column, about midnight a most terrible
fire broke out, which, driven on by a
high wind, not only wasted the adja-
cent part, but also places very remote,
with incredible noise and fury: it con-
sumed 89 churches, the gates of the
city, Guildhall, many public struc-