Day in the Life

Jan 15, 1841

Journal Entry

January 15, 1841 ~ Friday

15th I spent the day in writing in the evening we went to
the Bath & Baptized 3 members of Br Morgans houshold &
confirmed them Elder K Bap[tize]d them. Mrs Sangiovanni made
both of us a present of a nice silk Handkerchief she feels bad
because her husband will not let her be baptized. Elder Kimb
all received 5 letters containing some tales of sorrow {A wounded spirit we can bear}
We eat a supper of sprats with Sister
Morgan they were small fish 2 Inches long & I fell
asleep & dreamed of cetching fish, many large ones
with my hands, I thought I told my Dream to a man
who was putting up a gate post & he told me the inter-
rpretation was for me to make hast & Baptize as many
as I could in London; & organize & set in order the
Church, seal up my testimony in the city & return
home in the spring.


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Morgan, Benjamin
abt. August 1845
Morgan, Elizabeth George
18 Nov 1787 - 28 Oct 1841
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the of the month we baptized three more of brother Morgan's household and on the following Sunday I preached to a full house and to many new hearers. Several offered themselves for baptism and there had been during the week added unto the Church seven souls. Next day Elder Kimball received a letter from Elder Young who wished us to be
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the of the month we baptized three more of Brother Morgan's house- hold, and on the following Sunday I preached to a full house and to many new hearers. Several offered themselves for baptism, and there had been during the week added unto the Church seven souls. Next day Elder Kimball received a letter from Elder Young, who wished us to be ready to set sail for home early in April. Several days later I baptized the Rev. James Albon and Mr. Hender, and be- fore the close of January I baptized three others into the Church. I visited Greenwich and Woolwich, where Elder Kimball had raised up a small branch of the Church. I returned to London with Elder Kimball. On the Sunday we communed with the Saints, and in the evening we both preached to a full congregation.


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Jan 15, 1841