I received 2 letters from Elder Wm Pitt
I wrote a letter to Br Wm Pitt jointly. Sister
Harriet Morgan is broke out with the small pox
Elder Kimball & myself went down into into the
room to her & lade down hands upon her which
was the first time I ever lade hands upon a person
with the small pox. Elder Kimball received 2 letters
one from G. A. Smith & one from Dea[con] Borough
containing £3 pounds in a post office order
{a wounded spirit and grief we can bear}
Sister Album sent us ^[FIGURES]^ two loaves of bread and
a lump of Butter. -[Elder Kimball & myself]- bought
each of our wives A Muslin DeLain Dress I also boug-
ht one of the same kind for Sister Eunice Woodruff all
three of the Dresses or the pattern was exactly alike we
{paid} 5 {sterling apiece [half] the summer dress} Also bought a foot rool rule a
pair of nut cracks, & twesers of Mrs Algood. We walked to
London Bridge & took the rail road, & rode to Deptford
from thence to Greenwich, which stands upon the banks of
the Thames & is the place from which European &
American Mariners take their longitude. We walked from
Greenwich to Woolwich which also stands upon the banks
of the Thames, & is the most important Military Post in England
it is an exceding cold day. we spent the evening with
Br Bates, all the Saints there was in Woolwich was present
but one. there is but six in all but they are firm in
faith. we spent the night at a publick house the whole
Distance of the Day 13 miles
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