[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Minutes of A conference held in LONDON
A conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints was held at Mr J. Barretts
Academy 57 King Square Goswell Road on Sunday
the 14th Feb 1841. There being present Elders H C. Kimball
W. Woodruff L Snow & Wm Pitt & 4 Priest
The meeting was called to order by Elder Kimball
at 2 oclock. It was then moved by Elder Kimball
seconded by Elder Pitt that Elder W. Woodruff
should be president of the conference. Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball se[c]onded by Elder
Woodruff, that Dr Wm Copeland be chosen clerk
Carried unanimously. The meeting was
opened by singing & prayer by Elder Kimball.
The president the[n] called upon the official members
to Represent their respective branches
The church at Bedford Represented by Robert
Williams, Priest containing 42 members, one Priest
7 Removed 2 Died.
The church at Ipswich Represented by Elder Wm
Pitt, consisting of 12 members, one Elder one
Priest, & one Teacher.
The church at Woolwich Represented by John Griffith
Priest, consisting of 6 members 1 Priest
The church at London Represented by Elder
Kimball consisting of 46 members, 1 Elder, 2 Priest
generally in good standing. Excellent prospect of
continued increase. Moved by Elder Kimball seconded
by Elder Woodruff, that James Albon be ordained
Elder. Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Snow that
Thomas Barnes be ordained Teacher carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br R. Williams be ordained Elder to oversee the
church at Bedford Carried unanimously.
Moved by R. Williams seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br Wm Smith Be ordained Priest at Bedford
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br Richard Bates be ordained a Priest in the church
at Woolwich Carried unanimously
Moved by Br R. Williams, seconded by Elder Pitt
that Br John Sheffield be ordained Teacher at
Bedford Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Br Griffiths
that Br A. Painter be ordained a Teacher at Woolwich
Carried unanimously
The Above named persons were then ordained under
the hands of Elders Kimball Woodruff & Snow.
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder
Woodruff that Elder Snow be Appointed president
of this conference. Also to take the superintendicy
of the church in London. Much valuable
instruction was given by Elders Kimball & Woodruff
in relation to the Duties of the official members
It was then moved by Elder Kimball & seconded
by Elder Snow that this conference be Adjurned
to Sunday, the 16th of May 1841 carried unanimously
The conference was then closed by the
President by singing & prayer at half past five
W. Woodruff President
Dr Wm Copeland Clerk
106 members 2 E[lders]. 5 P[riests]. 1 T[eacher] .
We also broke bread with the Saints &
confirmed 4 we had a happy time through
the meeting. We again met & opened meeting
at half past six I opened meeting & was followed
by Elders Albon, Pitt, Williams, Snow, & H C. Kimball
we had the fullest house we have ever seen there
& a great prospect of the spread of the work one
came forward for Baptism. This is a day I have
long desired to see, for we have laboured exceding
hard to esstablished the work in this city, & in several
instances it seemed as though we should have to give
it up but by claiming the promises of God & holding on
to the word of God, the rod of Iron we have been
enabled to overcome, & plant a church & esstablish a
conference which we are enabled through the grace
of God to leave in a prosperous situation which has the
appearance of a great increase which church & confe-
rence we leave in the care of our Beloved Brother Elder
Lorenzo Snow may God bless him & roll on his work
in Mighty power in this city I pray, & raise up a great
people here to the Honour & Glory of his name
Thy Purposes O! Lord [FIGURE] must roll on. Thy Decrees are sure
[FIGURE] Wisdom how Precious thou [FIGURE] art.
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