Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1841

Journal Entry

February 20, 1841 ~ Saturday

20th I arose in the morning vary ill I walked to the
printing office & got 3000 copies of the Address
to the citizens of London by H C. Kimball & W Woodruff I
Paid the Bill whicch was
£3.3 three Guiney's I took the parting hand with
Elder Kimball. My Distress & pains of Body increased
through the day. My friends held a council upon
the subject & pronounced my Disese the small poxcks
as I had been much exposed to it. I told them I had rather
it would be that than the Ague so I went to bed & prepared for
it, had a dredful night of pain & distress


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Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions


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Letter to the editor of Times and Seasons, 20 February 1841
London, Feb. 20th . To the Editor of the Times and Seasons; It is with pleasure we occupy some few moments this morning in presenting you information in rela- tion to the progress which the everlasting Gospel is making in this great Metrop- olis. We more cheerfully do this, as we suppose that information of this kind will be looked for, and when receiv- ed we hope it will prove satisfactory. Though we have experienced much tribulation, and had many difficulties to oppose in establishing, in this city, a branch of Zion's kingdom, but through the power and assistance of the Most High, at length we have succeeded; the stone is permanently laid, and bids fair to become a great mountain, and fill a large portion of this vast city. -[Daniel 2]- Several persons of acknowledged in- telligence, influence, and respectability in this city, have submitted to the laws of the celestial kingdom; among whom are Dr. W. Copeland, and J. Albon, minister of the Presbyterian denomi- nation. For your more particular information we have thought to present you en- tire the minutes of the first conference of Latter Day Saints held in this great city, which is no doubt properly es- teemed the mistress of the world. Minutes of a Conference held in London. A Conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was held


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Feb 20, 1841