Day in the Life

Apr 12, 1841

Journal Entry

April 12, 1841 ~ Monday

12th I accompanied Elders Young & Kimball to P P
47 Oxford street P P Pratt gave me £3 for
40 Hymn Books we then went to No 1 Oldham street
& purchased such articles as we stood in need
of in the family the following isare the things i bough[t]

1 shawl 6/ 6
1 [shawl] 9 5
1 [shawl] 4 6
3 yards linen 2/2 6 6
20 [yards] Flannel 1/1 1 1 8
1 Veil 12 6
1/4 lb silk 2 5/6 6 4
1 Ball Twist 3 3
1 ldb of black sewing thread 4
2 pair of stockings 1/3 2 6
2 [pair of stockings] 1/6 3
2 [pair of stockings] 1/5 2 10
2 cotton Kankerchiefs 2
1 Dress Pattern 4 7
£4 9 7 1/2

I also received
a present of a
dress pattern
& 4 spools & 6
Balls of cotton
thread, both
from Sister
Martha Brotherton
also a sort of a
work bag. we
dined at Brother
Brothertons &
then returned
to Br Bewsher's
took tea we then
walked out into
the city & spent
the evening, together after which I spent the
night with Br R. Hedlock at Br Jones Cookson st
distance of the day 8 miles
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Edward Ockey
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder Kington.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
Oakey (Ockey), Edward Ockey
27 Feb 1816 - 14 Aug 1871
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1460 mentions
Bewsher, James
abt. 1800-aft. 1843
Brotherton, Martha Purnell
24 May 1824 - 20 Jun 1863
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Kington, Thomas
18 May 1794 - 1 Jul 1874
182 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Letter from Osmond Shaw, 12 April 1841
Tunstall Eldr G A Smith & Woodruff Dear Bros I take pen to inform you of some of the occ- urances that have happened since you left us A spirit of increased active exertion begins to manifest itself among the officers of the Church in these districts All are or at least seam to be considering the best ways of of applying their exertions laying out schemes for the carrying forth of the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel into the Hamlets Villages &c so thickly scattered over this tract of country. purporting to carry the same into greater exertion as soon as the we^a^ther grows somewhat warmer saying "well storm their camps this summer" and make them that if they will not received this Gospel that at least they shall not hardly dare to deny it's Truth" The Lord hath graciously pleased to cause more confidence and Faith to rest among ^us^ together with more unity or at least I can say this is the case with myself & speak from what I observe among my Brethren. The cry has been now these Mericans [Americans] are going it will all fall to nothing but these are not my expectations & I believe not my Brens But among this their has been disagreeable cases that have lately occured one of which was before the council on the 10 th concerning separating the terms Christ & Jesus makeing the divine to be Christ and the human Jesus the hearing of this subject took some time but was ultimately concluded ^carried^ by the officers that this subject be dropped entirely or at least that no attempts be made to separate the two terms in the way before mentioned there has^v^e been several ordinations to the differant offices and under the hands of Messrs Cordon & Simpson also a number of baptisms (upwards of thirty) since you left and the work seems progressing stedily in great power & is true that is and allways will be untill the Church be perfect some efforts and every week part watched in order to make some divission and seems Dear Bro[s] as this would prove to be but the beginging of such things


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Apr 12, 1841