Dec 26th Sunday I visited the sick in the morning &
spent the forepart of the day in writing I recevived
A letter last evening from Br Azmon Woodruff
of South Richland under Date Nov 15th 1841
Joseph the Seer called upon me & others of the Twelve
to attend meeting at his house we did so in the
evening & herd many good principles presented
by presidents Joseph & Hyram Smith such as the
following s^p^eak not in tongues to your orwn nation
but to those of annother tongue then if one
of another tongue interpets it will be a sign to the
unbeliever, & then it would condemn those who
heard if they rejected it for the Lord does not
work in vain. Joseph spoke upon the 124 ch
1 Cor—prophesies will scease &c ie A person will
scease or stop prophesying & not continue all
the while &c untill we come to perfection or
a fulness then part work will be done away
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