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Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1842

Journal Entry

January 10, 1842 ~ Monday

10th I sold Br John Horlick the South
half of Lot No 4 Block 12 in kimball second
addition to Nauvoo for $50 dollars I spent
the evening at Br John Taylors in company with
Elders Young, Kimball, Taylor, Clayton, Fielding
& others with our wives had an interesting time
I Bought two lots of Hyrum Kimblall for
two hundred & fifty dollars I paid him $50
dollars down in cloth & a watch & the other
is in two annual payments they were

Lots No [blank] in Block [blank]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3317 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1409 mentions
Kimball, Hiram
31 May 1806 - 27 Apr 1863
35 mentions
Horlick, John
20 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1861 mentions
Fielding, Joseph
26 Mar 1797 - 19 Dec 1863
37 mentions
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
107 mentions


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Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
Jan 10 1842 Hiram Kimball Dr to 3rd reader 50 to 1 Almanac 6 to printing Blank checks $3, $2 paid due 1.00 to printing cards Bills 2.50 To Binding 3 vol of Godeys Lad[i]es work 1.25 $3.75 20 To 1 order By paid Wasp 6 m & 2 speller Bo[ok] 1.05 27 To 6 Wasp 245 Feb 1 1st To 6 songs & stamp paper for Ethan Kimbal 50 2 To 1 order for Mr Height 2.00 9 9 To vol 1st T & S & 50 ct on 3rd vol 1.50 To Binding 3 vol T & S 1.00 [9] To binding Cultivation 1.00 22 22 To Advertising for Laborers No 37 7 in 3.25 March 15 To Advertising Look here No 46 tf (10 ^sq^ in ) 4.37 1/2 Jan 1 14 To Advertising Notice 1 sqr 37 tf (19 in) 7.75 March 21 To 1 geography $1.25 rates 31 quills 6 1/4 pencils 6 1/4 rolls Kimball 1.68 1/2 27 To 1 calf skin 37 1/2 April 1st To $1 city scrip at 50 ct 50 12 To Advertising Land for Sale No 49 ^7 in^ 2 sqr tf 6.50 April 28th To Nauvoo Neighbor 1 year for self 2.00 To Neighbor for phineas kimball 2.00 $43.54 To one order for Books 7.83 11 62.37 June 21 Settelled all acco[u]nts in Book ^with Hiram Kimball up to this date^
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the of the month I sold to brother John Horlick the South half of my lot and bought two lots of Hyrum Kimball for $250 fifty of which I paid him down in cloth and a watch and the other


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford appointed manager of the Church's official newspaper Times and Seasons.
Wilford sets type for printing/publishing the Book of Abraham in Times and Seasons.

Jan 10, 1842