Day in the Life

Oct 21, 1843

Journal Entry

October 21, 1843 ~ Saturday

21st We arived in Pittsburgh at 10 oclock A.M.
& unloaded our freight at the wharf I called
upon several of the Brethren those in Strawbury lane
& Br Savory the Presiding Elders Wellingford &
Taylor was the house whare my goods was left
the whole distance from Philadelphia to Pitts-
burghh was 400— miles

I immediately went on board of the Alps and
ingaged my freight carried to St Louis for
30 cts per cwt & I took it all on board &
went on myself & started at 5 oclok got to
Beaver saw Elder E Snow with a compay
of about 50 Saints


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while conversing with the mate in the evening on the subject he remarked that we were not sensib- le of one half of the danger that we were in during the procedings of that day but I was sensible of a good deal at least we got into the canal about dark being 36 miles from canall to canal in crossing the mountains we travled all night in the canal which was one constant scene of locks
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Oct 21, 1843