I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff &
sent her $5 dollars. We sent a copy of the minutes
of the conference for pudblication. G. A. Smith sent
a few lines to his wife in the same we mailed the
letter in Newark
In the evening we all met at the school house to
deliver a political lecture. Br Mr Henr
I called the meeting to order & made some introd-
uctory remarks & introduced to the assembly
Mr Henry Jacobs, who arose & read, General
Joseph Smiths views of the powers and policy of
the government of the United States, to the assem-
bly, ofter which, I introduced to the meeting Mr
David Fulmer who addressed the assembly in
an interesting manner. showed that Gen Smith
ttook a line between the two parties, on the bank-
ing system & ever thing els almost. I arose and
followed him and urged our claims & rights to
cast our votes for a president spoke of our
persecutions, & the danger the whole people of
the United States were in of being destroyed
by misrule & mob law if the[y] permitted that principle
to triumph. I was followed by Elde Mr Smith
who deliverd a spirited address upon politicks
spoke of his fathers fighting in defence of
our country spoke of the treatment we had
received from the hands of Van buren &
Clay, & Calhoon &c. All who had spoken had
the assistance of the Lord; when we closed
a certain Dr Smith arose and hurrand [harangued] the
people in a vile manner & raised a row their
was some prospect of fighting, but with soft
words we turned away wrath & returned
home in peace, & spent the night with Br Wilseys
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