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Day in the Life

Jul 19, 1844

Journal Entry

July 19, 1844 ~ Friday

19th [FIGURE] I borrowed $10 dollars of Br Bickford of Boston
& gave my note for it and $5 dollars of Brother Wingate
& gave my note for that. I received $12 dollars from
Br John Hardy for 6 Books of T & S & $9 dollars for Books
that Br Phelps sold for me the above money is paid

Br Reuben Hedlock address in Liverpool is 36 Chapel St
J. Hardy is 91 Commercial St Boston I had a present
of a coat from Sister Jones of Boston.

[FIGURE] Br Samuel Dam wished me to send him all the
Times and seasons Bound and the covenants &
Book of mormon & he will pay the money he spoke
of Bying a lot of me I spent the night at 57 Temple


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2 mentions
Phelps, Jacob
15 mentions
Hardy, John
abt. 1816-1891
11 mentions
154 mentions
12 mentions


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

This generation speak much about the clouds and weather they disern the face of the sky but why can they not disern the signs of the times. The fig trees are leaving and all things indicate the second advent of Christ.
~ Orson Hyde
when God sends a man to do a work all the devils in hell cannot kill him untill he gets through his work. So with Joseph He prepared all things gave the keys to men on the earth and said I may be soon taken from you.
~ Brigham Young


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Meeting where majority of Church members sustain the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as governing body of the Church.
Wilford accepts call to preside over the European Mission for one year.

Jul 19, 1844