12 I met in council with the Twelve and
the Temple and Nauvoo House Committies
A variety of subjects was conversed upon among
others measures were entered into to hasten the Temple
as speady as possible, to council young men from
abroad to come in and bring money and means to spend
for that purpose. It was thought best for the Saints to
go north into the colder country to build a branch it
was thought best for Br Wight to go north with his
company and not south. The quorum of the Twelve blessed
at follows
A Blessing bestowed upon the head of Elder Wilford
Woodruff under the hands of the quorum of the
Twelve Elder John Taylor being spokesman
Nauvoo August 24th 1844
Brother Woodruff we lay our hands upon your head
in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority
of the Holy Priesthood to seal upon your head a blessing
and set you apart unto the important mission which
is appointed you of the Lord by the voice of the Twelve
to go over the sea to England, to take charge of the
churches throughout that land And we ask God the
Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ, to bless you
with health and strength, open the door befor you
and your family that you may have food and rament
and money and all things necessary to make you
comfortable and that the power of God may rest
upon you in a greater degree than in any mission before.
We seal upon your head these blessings. you shall be
preserved to finish your mission and returne with
your family and meet in the Temple of the Lord and
rejoice therein and shout Hosanna. you shall have
Power and wisdom to accomplish the design of
your missions and shall have the desire of your heart
given you in all things in righteousness before God
I settelled with Mr Hiram Kimball and I gave
him my due Bill to the amount of [blank]
I settled my accounts and business with several
individuals. I had calls from several friend during
the day and evening I spent the evening in packing
up my trunk and writing
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