Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1844

Journal Entry

October 12, 1844 ~ Saturday

12th I rode to Boston attended a church meeting
And had the power of God rested upon me
I spoke to the Church in great Plainness concerning
iniquity in all its forms urged the importance
of building the Temple. I informed the Saints
that evry man in the Church from the head to
the foot if they broke the commandments & law of
God would be brought to Justice & I advised
all to be cautious not to throw themselves to ruin
because others do wrong. I was followed by Elder
Adams. [FIGURE] I had conversation with Br Whitmore he
related A dream to me as follows. He had prayed
to God to let him see Joseph in a dream. And he fell
asleep And dreamed that he saw the heavens
opened and deheld some of the things of eternity
he saw a personage arise out of the earth, and
An Elder informed him that it was Joseph Smith.
Joseph did not speak to him but droped some

slips of paper on the ground from whence he
rose Br Whitmore picked up one of them &
read the following words (Emma is not worthy
of me) he wished to read the others but the
person with him picked them up & put them in
his pocket & did not let him read them;

At the close of my meeting Elder Brannan
prefered a charge against Elder Hardy for
slander so did Elder Adams the trial comes
on Tuesday night. I spent the night with
Br Phelps distance of the day 15 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith Bidamon, Emma Hale
10 Jul 1804 - 30 Apr 1879
Hardy, John
abt. 1816-1891
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Brannan, Samuel
2 Mar 1819 - 5 May 1889


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Letter to Brigham Young, 9 October 1844
Salem Saturday I have held 2 meetings in Salem all is well here I gave Vilate her letter I am stoping with her at Br Felts she is going to school she seems to desire to go home. I advised her to be as contented as she could & get what learning she could untill you sent for her they are all well & doing well here. I had the perusal of the Times & Seasons containing the trial of Elder Rigdon & as his circulars are through this country I felt it my duty to write a peace in the Prophet upon that subject, & I have done so as I had a chance to give my testimony upon the same, their has been some money donated for the Temple put into the hands of Br Wm Smith which I understand he will send up by Elder Adams who is going to Nauvoo soon I shall urge upon the Saints to do what they can for the Temple this fall. I hear rumours evry day about the Govornor calling out the Milii^t^ia to take the
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the th I declaired in great power and plainness to the Church in Boston against iniquity in all its forms informing the Saints that any man from the head to the foot would be brought to justice if he broke the commandments of God and advised all to be cautious and for none to throw themselves to ruin because others do wrong. I had a convers[at]ion with Bro Whitmore and he related to me the following dream


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford accepts call to preside over the European Mission for one year.

Oct 12, 1844