Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1844

Journal Entry

October 19, 1844 ~ Saturday

19th I parted with Elder Wm Smith in the morning
who went to Lowell. I spent the day with Br
Little. I read during the day the second vol of
Stephens travels in Egypt Arabia & the Holy Land &c
And I was excedingly interested in the same Thinking
that perhaps I might follow his footsteps over some
of the same ground in some of my travels in the earth
It was interesting to trace him in his travels through
Edom among the Palaces cut out of the solid rock
and through the Holy land, visiting the Holy sepulcher
and all places spoken of in the scripture. In the evening
several friends came from other churches to spentd
the Sabbath with me, among which was Br Carlin Mack
his father and mother Smith are own brothers, he is
an Elder. I preached in the evening to the Church had
a plesant time


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Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Stephens, John Lloyd
28 Nov 1805 - 12 Oct 1852
10 mentions
Historical Figure
Smith, Lucy Mack
8 Jul 1775 - 14 May 1856
Smith, William B.
13 Mar 1811 - 13 Nov 1893
98 mentions


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Letter to Brigham Young, 9 October 1844
Boston President Young Dear Sir After so long a time I am among the Saints in Boston & found them all well. I attended a Church meeting the first Evening Elders Wm Smith G J Adams & Brannan was present. Elder Hardy resigned his seat as president & Joseph Ball appointed in his stead their seemed sumthing the matter with Elder Hardy but I have not been here long Enough hardly to know what is going on. Last Evening I attended the opening of a Debate between G. J. Adams & Orange Backellon it will last several nights. After I have had time to visit the Chuches I will write again, But as I had An opportunity of sending by Elder Wingate I thought I would improve it. I am going to Labour to morrow night to hold a meeting & will not Finish this lettr untill I have been there.


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Oct 19, 1844