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Day in the Life

Jan 14, 1845

Journal Entry

January 14, 1845 ~ Tuesday

14th [FIGURE] Elder Hedlock recieved a letter from
President Young bearing good news
saying the Church was well united & peace
& good order prevailed. And that Elder P P Pratt
had gone to New York to take charge of
things in that region to publish a paper
&c these things I was glad to hear I also
recieved the Nauvoo papers & N.Y. Prophet
all bearing good news of the progress of the
work I had some conversation with Br
Hedlock about affairs in the office &c
I accompanied Elder Clark to meet with
Elders George Allen, James Marsden, Joseph
, & their wives, to settle a difficulty or
report against Br Hiram Clark, it was all
settelled amicably & we left in peace 2 [miles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Allen, George
16 Apr 1802 - 13 Apr 1913
16 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Clark, Hiram, b. 1795
22 Sep 1795 - 28 Dec 1853
111 mentions
2 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
524 mentions
154 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Jan 14, 1845