Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1845

Journal Entry

February 16, 1845 ~ Sunday

16th Sunday met in a special conference
with Elders Hedlock, Ward, Holmes, Hardy, Ross
Miller, & mannery others W. Woodruff the presiden
of the churches in this relm took the chair as
president of the meeting acompinied by his
councillors viz Elder's Hedlock & Word.
conference opened at 10 oclok, their being present
the Presidency of the realm 5 High Priest,
30 Elders, 31 Priest, 21 Teacher, & 4 Deacons.
meeting opened by singing & Prayr by the
president. The meeting opened by was Addresed
by Elder Hedlock, & followed by Elder Ward
who presented many important principles &
truths to the conference. I was followed them
the spirit of the Lord was with us & we had
an interesting time. I dined at Br Thomas
with Elder Holmes I truly felt to rejoice
to have the privilege of associateing with Br Holmes
in England as we had travelled much together
in america. We met with the officers in the
Hall before meeting & lade before them the
business of the day, we then met a vast
assembly of the Saints the Hall was crouded.
Elder Hedlock arose & lade before the meeting the
changes we thought wisdom to make in the manchester
conference was followed by Elder Ward. I arose
& made some remarks upon the subject. It was
then moved by Elder Charles Miller that Elder Milton
Holmes be appointed to preside over the Manchester
conference the motion was second & carried

by A unanimous vote. Elder Holmes accepted the
appointedment. it was then moved & carried with
a unanimous vote that Elder James D Ross be
appointed the Presiding Elder over the Manchester
branch. He accepted the Apointment. Sacrament
was then administered to the vast congregation
which took untill dark. I went & took tea at
Br Sheldons. met again at 7 oclock & had a good
time. Elder Hedlock spoke of the plans that would
be well to enter into for the temperal as well as
spiritual welfare of the Church such as entering
into the Manufacturers of various branches of
trades &c all of which was interesting. when he
closed, He & Br Ward had to leave for Manchester
they could scarcely get out of the house so many
wish to shake hands with them. After they left
I arose & spoke about half an hour & enjoyed themselves
myself well, the spirit of the Lord was with us
love & union pervaded the congregation. I was
made glad with the scene of beholding so many
saints united in the New & Everlasting Covenant. I
often thought I would like to see President Joseph
meet with a conference of Saints in England
but he has gone we can go to him but it is not
expected he will come to us. Our conference
closed with the best of feelings a good impresion
was made upon the minds of many their are
many warm hearted Saints in the Manchester
conference at the close of the meeting I went
home with Br Flint & spent the night 4 m[iles]

This day fulfilled a prophecy which I predicted in
the house of the Lord in Kirtland Ohio in 1837 that I
should attend a conferenc with Elder Milton Holmes
in one of the British Isles

we had one of the most interesting conferences
I ever attended iabroad in the vineyard much of
the spirit of the Lord & union rested ^upon^ the vast
congregation of the Saints I lade hands upon
12 & administered to them for sickness, at the
close of the conference I went home with Br
Flint & spent the night. And had the following
An arrow piercing a heart Dream. I visited the flouring mill in
Farmington Ct whare I found my father
Aphek Woodruff who had attended those mills
for the last 30 years I looked upon my father
who appeared to be so infirm & feeble he could
not walk & said he felt strang[e] I went to his help
he seemed to be struck with death he fell into my
arms I called upon Uncle Ozem Woodruff
who was present to come to my assistance he
did so & it seemed that father was about
breatheing his last, & I awoke, & their was a
deep impression left upon my mind by the dream
I some fear I shall not behold my fathers face
again in the flesh but time will determin.
A folded letter/box I recieved a letter from Br H Clark


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Miller, Charles Dutton
24 Aug 1816 - 22 Jan 1878
Clark, Hiram, b. 1795
22 Sep 1795 - 28 Dec 1853
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Ozem, b. 1787
3 Nov 1787 - 18 Feb 1871
160 mentions
Ward, Thomas
9 Sep 1808 - 4 Mar 1847


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Mission - Manchester Conference Minutes, 16 February 1845
of meeting them on Sunday, , at Mr. Heyward's large and commo- dious room, in Bridge-street, Manchester. The day was exceedingly fine, which caused a vast number of Saints to come in from the various districts until the room was crowded to excess. The house was called to order at half-past ten o'clock, A.M., there being present one of the Twelve, five high priests, thirty elders, thirty-one priests, twenty-two teachers, and four deacons. Elder Woodruff was called to the chair, accompanied by his counsellors, elders Hedlock and Ward. Conference opened by singing and prayer. The president informed the assembly, that the forepart of the day would be devoted to teaching and setting forth principles: the afternoon to business: and the evening to preaching, and then called upon elder Hedlock to address the meet- ing, and he did so, much to the edification of the Saints. He spoke of the death of the Prophet and Patriarch, and the additional responsibility and care that was now resting upon the presidency of the churches, in the enlargement and ad- vancement of the church and kingdom of God. He spoke of the persecution and the order of the priesthood, and that the object of the Conference was to make some changes in the Manchester Conference for the advancement of the work in that region. He was followed by elder Ward, who spoke of the great- ness and magnitude of the work, the purity of the principles, and he exhorted the officers and members to faithfulness. The President closed by bearing his testi- mony to the work, and gave such teaching and advice as was given by the Spirit of God, all of which was received by the Saints with a hearty Amen. The Saints again assembled at two o'clock, P.M. Remarks were made by the President and his Counsellors, concerning the importance of the meeting, and the changes they would recommend in the Manchester Conference. It was then moved by elder Charles Miller, "that elder Milton Holmes be appointed presiding elder over the Manchester Conference; it was seconded and carried without a dis- senting voice. Elder M. Holmes then proposed elder Charles Miller, as his counsellor to assist him in the conference; it was also seconded and carried unanimously. It was then moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, that elder James D. Ross, from Edinburgh, who was present, should be chosen to preside over the Manchester branch; there was not a dissenting voice in any resolution presented to the conference, but peace, union, and love apparently prevailed with every heart. At the close of the afternoon service, we had the privilege of communing, by partaking of the sacrament with that vast body of the Saints who have from the beginning manifested much of a Zion's spirit, and brought forth the fruits of the gospel.
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Manchester Sunday . There were present Wilford Woodruff President of the mission his counsellors Elders Hedlock and Ward with five High Priests 30 Elders 31 Priests 21 Teachers and 4 Deacons We met with the officers before the public meeting and laid before them the buisness of the day and then a vast assembly of the Saints gathered in Conference capacity and we laid before them the changes designed for the Manchester Conference and it was proposed that Elder Milton Holmes preside over the Conference and Elder J. D. Ross over the Manchester branch both of whom accepted their appointment. Sacrament was then administered which occupied the time till dark In the evening we had another mamoth meeting. Elder Hedlock first addressed the assembly and then he and Elder Ward had to leave for ^Liverpool^ but could scarcely get out of the crowded Hall. I then arose and addressed the congregation and the Spirit of the Lord was with us and love and union pervaded the congregation It was a scene to make the heart glad to behold together in a foreign mission so many Saints


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Feb 16, 1845