April 6th AD 1845
Manchester Conference
The yearly conference of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met
at the Hall of Science in Camfield Manchester
on the 6th Day of April to represent the
various conferences throughout the various
Domin Portions of the British Dominions. A large
assembly of Saints & friends came together
at an early hour.
Elder Wilford Woodruff was called to the chair
attended by his councellors Reuben Hedlock &
Thomas Ward, Wm Walker & J. B.
Mynell Appointed Clerks
Their being present at the organization
W. Woodruff of the quorum of the Twelve
Hedlock & Ward councellors [blank] High Priest
[blank] Seventies [blank] Elders [blank] Priest
[blank] Teachers and [blank] Deacons
Conference opened by prayer by the President
A Hymn was sung
The President called upon the delegates
to represent the various conferences through-
out the British dominions which occupied the
forenoon & the following is the sum total
represented of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints throughout England, Ireland
Scotland & Wales viz [blank] Conferences embracing
[blank] Branches containing [blank] Members
including [blank] High Priest [blank] Elders
[blank] Priest [blank] Teachers & [blank] Deacons
There had been [blank] Baptized during the last
year. This was the largest representation
ever given in any conference in England.
The Afternoon was occupied by the delegates
in representing the standing & situation of each
conference, the House was filled with a large
audience, the evening was spent in the same
way, at the close of the evening I occupyed
a few moments in representing my conference
which consisted of the United States of America
containing one quorum of the Twelve, one
high council, 300 High Priest 1050 of
the Seventies, 5000 Elders And about the
same number of Priest Teachers, & Deacons
And about one hundred thousand members
including the officers, And generally in vary
good standing, had built two or three towns,
& one city with a population of about 15,000 souls
had built two Temples & laid the foundation of
another, had suffered much Persecution & 50
or more had sealed their testimony with their
lives but were in a good state of prosperity
conference Adjourned untill to morrow at 10 oclok
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