April 21st A plesent Day I spent my
time at the office I wrote a letter to
Br Phelps of Boston one to H Clark one
to John Hallady, one to Wilkinson making
4 in all, in the evening I attended a meeting
at the Music Hall (whare the Saints hold their meetings)
Appointied by the ministers of the Church
of England for the purpose of opposing the
Maynooth Grant which is now under discussion
in Parliament. the whole country is under
excitement The Maynooth Grant is to appropriate
£30,000 pounds annully to endow a Roman Catholic
college to educate Catholic priest this has
created alarm throughout the Protestant churches
of England. The house on this occasion was
crouded to overflowing & thousands who could
not get in The celebrated Rev Hugh M. Neile
was chairman of the Meeting Much excitement
was manifest on the occasion. The speakers
considerd Parliament was betraying the country
& strikeing a death blow at the three hundred years
of refermation they seemed to be alarmed at the
signs of the times And for one I could see they
were big with events that the time had commenced
for the beginning of those tremendious events which
have been prophesyed of by the Ancient Prophets
concerning those things which must come to
pass in the last days among the Gentile Nations
Many addresses were made & resolotions formed
the meeting closed at half past 10 oclk I walked
home alone meditating upon the awful state of
the human family in this generation [FIGURES] 6 m[iles]
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