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Day in the Life

Jun 12, 1845

Journal Entry

June 12, 1845 ~ Thursday

12th [FIGURES] I recieved 2 letters one from Mrs Woodruff
one from Sister Sangiovanna. I wrote a letter to
Mrs Woodruff. I dined with Br Wm Boothe &
his wife Sarah Booth & Sister Mary Ann Mitchell
& Elder Davis at 14 Lant Street Borough. After
Dining we walked out to visit the city. We visited
the Queens bench Prison for Creditors Debters
we next passed around the Lambeth Bedlam—
saw numbers of the Lunatics standing at the
windows as we passed along we visited the new
Catholic Cathedral which is a splendid edifice
I returned to Brother Booths & took tea, then
went to attend a council of the Saints whare
the case of Elder Albom was tried for rejecting
council was found guilty his case was laid over
for a week before the vote of the Church was
taken to give him a chance to confess his fault if
he saw proper After this case was closed during
which time several uneasy spirits showed themselves
I addressed the saints for a few moments in the
power of God & the Priesthood & rebuked those who
would not harken to Council 8 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

47 mentions
Albon, James
1 May 1793 - 7 Sep 1870
42 mentions
13 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1544 mentions
22 mentions
9 mentions

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Letter from Parley Parker Pratt, 12 June 1845
Boston Answered Aug 5th 1845


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First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

Jun 12, 1845