Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1845

Journal Entry

June 27, 1845 ~ Friday

27th Day of PRAYER & FASTING
one year ago this day the Prophet Joseph &
Patriarch Hiram Smith were martered. I
Appointed this day throughout the churches in
this land as a day of prayer & fasting I
arose in the morning & fasted through the
day spent a part of the day in prayer &
a part of it in writing at 6 oclok I took
sumthing to eat & met with the Saints in
Birmingham at 8 oclok and had an interesting
time & returned to Br Prints & spent the night 3 m[iles]


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Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
2 mentions


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Letter from Brigham Young, 27 June 1845
Upper Room Es Richards House, City of Joseph, Dr Brother Woodruff: We sit down to acknowledge the receipt of your letters containing some en- quiries in regard to your business &c in England, and it being just one year this day since the massacre of our beloved brethren Joseph & Hyrum we have concluded to spend the day in conversation, council and prayer, and, also to write an answer to your letters, well knowing that a little information from this place must be acceptable to you at all times, for we feel it is a source of comfort to us to hear of your prosperity. (The members of the quorum of the Twelve who are in Nauvoo, the Bishops, and one or two others have met regularly twice a week on Sunday and thursday evenings for some time back to offer up our prayers and thanksgivings agreeably to the order of the Holy Priesthood for the salvation and peace of the saints; and also that the Lord would over-rule all matters, so that we might be permitted to dwell in peace, untill we could finish the Temple, and the Nauvoo House, and the brethren get their endowment. For this we have supplicated by night and by day, and hitherto we have been prospered in a manner beyond our most sanguine expectations (We have never failed in our meetings to ask God to over rule the courts which have lately been held in this county, so that the enemy might have no power to drag any of us to Carthage, or otherwise harass and perplex us with writs &c. and especially, previous to the extra session of the court which commenced on tuesday last we have felt to pray that the hand of God might rest heavily on Judge Young, the lawyers and the mobocrats, that they might have no power to do any thing against the truth but for it, and you will see by this letter that God has answered our prayers and granted the desires of our hearts.) Another subject for which we have constantly supplicated is the welfare and success of our dear brethren in England, brother Parley in New York, the brethren on the Islands of the Pacific, (and cousin Lemuel in the west) These with our petitions for the sick in our midst (especially sister Jenetta Richards who has been nigh unto death for some time past (but is now recovering slowly) the prosperity of the Temple and Nauvoo House; and also that God would preserve us from internal bevils [devils], has been the theme of our prayers from time to time, and we are happy to say that God has heard and answered our prayers, and done all things well. The most perfect union, peace and good feeling has invariably prevailed in our little councils which still continues. It seems like a foretaste of celestial enjoymant, and millenial glory. (The names of the brethren who have composed this council, are as follows: President B. Young, H. C. Kimball, J. Taylor, O. Pratt, W. Richards, O. Hyde, G. A. Smith, A. Lyman & J. E. Page of the Twelve. (N. K. Whitney & G. Miller, Trustees; father John Smith, Patriarch, and Josh Young, L. Richards, W. Clayton & J. C. Kingsbury.) -- (At the May term of the Carthage court the trial of the men indicted for the murder of brother Joseph came on, which occupied nearly the whole session. It occupied three or four days to impannel a jury on account of the lawyers on the part of the defence challenging every person selected, untill they succeeded in getting a jury of their own cloth. The Judge proved himself as much a friend to the mobocrats as if he was one with them, and ruled the court decidedly in their favor; and although the evidence produced was abundantly sufficient not only to hang those indicted, but also a number of the witnesses themselves, yet the jury brought in


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First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

Jun 27, 1845