Day in the Life

Sep 19, 1846

Journal Entry

September 19, 1846 ~ Saturday

19th Saturday A vary windy day, early in the
morning I was on the ground for the city
plot in company with the Twelve & others. Br
Young was the chief surveyer of the plot
we laid of[f] lots sufficient to settle about
150 families. we set some hooks & cot some
cat fish & returned home 10 mile

I met in council in the evening with the
Twelve & H. council, & several items of business
was attended to. At the close I conversed
with Br Young & others about A report that had
reached our ears that the Marshall of the state
of Missouri was on his way with a Posse to take the
Twelve with some kind of a warrant O Missouri
when wilt thou scease seeking for the Blood of the
Twelve Apostles And the Saints of God. there
were 12 Horses deposited on an Island oposite of us
draggoon Horses completedly mounted for riders
capapie were put on by three men what the
intenition was we could not tell but such
movements was watching


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from Albert Smith, 19 September 1846
540 miles from Santribe at the dimon springs Deaar Brother in the Gosple Covenent I received your letter dated the Aug 28 I assure you that it was satisfactory to me to hear from you and my friend & especally from my family for it was the firs & all that I have heard from then since I left I was glad to hear that the Church was in as good sercumstances as nt wont it is the letters sent to the battalion was read in the different Companyes & the way that the letter stated conserning the disposing of the means that was sent to our families was sattisfactory to the hole battalion Br Lee ariv ed in comp Sep 17 in the morning yest as we was starting to cross [Aposaree] 40 miles a cross or rather to water we was two days crosing we got very dry & fateged som teams tired out & did not com up ^til^ the 2 night. 2 [mustems] in Co B by the means we had to go without our supper & brekfast we started the next morning which was this morning before day & travled ^drove^ 10 miles to the place ware we are now camped it is now half past 3:00; the wagon with our kooking utentials is not up yet our mess [lured] some things to kook with and we have jest eat our last nites supper the p^a^rarie that we have jest crost was lind on ether side with hards of buffoloes & antalops & pararie woolfs the ground was vary levle though some roling the sen ry was butiful & delightful till we became fatiuged & tired, we then past thro as you would pass herds of cattle & with is tittle notis: thare is the best of feling in the Battalion, & with &A vary fue exceptions I think that the Boys (& men )to) try to do the best they can can, it has ben vary fategin on account of the drouth & the hot wither tharre has ben A great many sick with the fever & aguer I think that they are giting over it; the Bearier of this will give you & the rest general infomation & ^tharefore^ nead not tharefor rite them I was glad to hear that you received the money I sent to my family & am perficly satisfied with the desision of the counsil with regard to the disposion they make of the money that we send for the benifeit of our familyes, all that I want is to have my famity have the things they meae to make them cumfortable & have them removed


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Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Sep 19, 1846