Day in the Life

Sep 23, 1846

Journal Entry

September 23, 1846 ~ Wednesday

23rd We removed our encampment this day
from the prairie ridge to the table land on the
bank of the Missouri River which was a
beautiful place for a city the city was laid out
in blocks of 20 rods by 40 each lot 4 By 10.
I had one block for my company which
consisted of near 40 families so I had to
put about 2 families on a block. It was a vary
dBusy day we had no yard so we lost many of our
cattle at night


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for they will rot in their own corruption and burn up but if any man wants to go & join the mob I hope he will get marked so as to stay marked untill the resurrection, other remarks were made & meeting dismissed
~ Brigham Young

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On this day we removed our encampment from the prairie ridge to the table land on the bank of the Missouri River This was a beautiful place for a city and we laid our city out in blocks of 20 rods by 40 each lot 4 by 10. I had one block for my company which consisted of nearly 40 families so I had to put two families on a ^lot^ block. It was a very busy day and as we had no yard we lost many of our cattle at night and I was hunting cattle all the next day while most of my division drew poles and made a fence to keep our cattle in. Arrival of Daniel H. Wells To the Camp of Israel


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Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Sep 23, 1846