Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1847

Journal Entry

October 12, 1847 ~ Tuesday

12th I had A question put to me by President Young what my
opinion was concerning one of the Twelve Apostles being appointed
as the President of the Church with his two councellors. I
Answered that A quorum like the Twelve who had been appointed
by revelation & confirmed by revelation from time to time
I thought it would require A revelation to change the order
of that quorum.* we travled 8 miles & nooned. Br Stillma[n] [page covered]
shot A Buffalo cow I went with my carriage into the Bluffs
about 2 miles & we dressed it whiched took untill near night I sho[t] [page covered]
at 2 calves & got neither of them. We did not get into camp
untill 9 oclok at night & Br Stillman & myself worked untill
1 oclok cutting & salting up meat I got but little sleep 16 m[iles]
* Whatever the Lord inspires you to do in this matter I am with you


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Oct 12, 1847