Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1847

Journal Entry

October 16, 1847 ~ Saturday

16th We travled to day out of the Buffalo range & camped on the
Platt. Just before camping our Brethren who had been sent on
to over take the ox teams came to us except two continued on
they could not gain upon the teams & gave it up. Br Luke
came near being killed by a herd of Buffalo travelling
in the night. A large herd came upon him suddenly & he was
caught in the midst of thems & could not get out & the herd
was some 15 minutes passing him & the ownly wasy He kept the[m] [page covered]
from treading on him was toby hollowing & striking & punching
them with his cane on each side of him as they came along
& they would open Just wide enough for him to stand as they
passed along 15 [miles]


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Johnson, Luke
3 Nov 1807 - 8 Dec 1861
74 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the just before camping the brethren returned whom we sent after the ox teams. They could not gain upon them and all except two gave it up. Brother Luke Johnson came near being trampled to pieces by a large herd of Buffalo travelling in the night. They came upon him suddenly and he was caught in their midst and they were 15 minutes passing him The only way he had to keep them from trampling him down was by striking out on each side with his stick punching them and yelling


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Oct 16, 1847