Day in the Life

Oct 18, 1847

Journal Entry

October 18, 1847 ~ Monday

18th At daylight 4 of us went to the Bluffs to exahamine the posit-
ion of the herds of Buffalo, we saw many both on the Hills & flats
we returned to camp took our Breakfast of roast meat then divi-
ded & went out two by two. Luke Johnson went with me about 3
miles from camp. we came upon 3 wild Horses upon the side of the
bluff, they were splendid looking Animals but the most wild
of any Animals I ever saw. After returning to the Bluffs we found
that the Herds on the upland were travling to the N. & N.E & the ownly
way to obtain meat was for the Hunters to confine themselves to the
Herds on the flat they did so & killed nine Buffalo but seven of them
was dressed & brought in & wolves feasted on the other two. we got
council from camp for us to return early in the morning & not
tary any longer. we travled in our Hunt during the day 16 m[iles]


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Johnson, Luke
3 Nov 1807 - 8 Dec 1861
74 mentions


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Oct 18, 1847