30th We travled 15 miles & camped on the east side of the Horn
we met in the Afternoon & arangements was made about going
to Winter Quarters on the morrow the order of going &c 15 [miles]
A company ofi about 20 waggons arivead about sundown from winter
Quarters to meet us Brothers Cutler Whitney & many other friends were
among the number & we were truly glad to meet with them they
brought corn for our Horses & food for ourselves & we had quite
A feast for supper Br John Fulmer gave me an account of the
progress of the Mexican war that Gen. Scott had taken Mexico with
the loss of 17th00 men killed & many wounded & no prospect of peace
we spent A good share of the night in conversing upon a varie-
ty of subjects 15 [miles]
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