11th The Boston Times today says the cholera is raging at Wheeling
Cincinnati, Louisville, Memphis And Vicksburg
A Letter from the camp of Israel 400 miles from Winter Quarters
July 10th 1848 published in the Star of Oct 15 1848 says that President
Brigham Young & Heber C Kimball company which they led to the
valley of the Salt Lake consisted of 623 waggons, 1891 souls
131 Horses, 44 Mules, 2012 oxens, 983 cows 334 Loose cattle, 654 sheep
237 Pigs, 904 chickens, 54 cats, 134 Dogs, 3 goats, 10 geese, 5 Bee Hives
11 Doves, 1 sqwrrilll 1 squirrel, 5 Ducks
It is An exceding cold day. While At Bradford I exhamined
Smiths Illustrated Asstronemy I like it for schools. Burnetts Beautiful
Original Model of Ancient Jerrusalem As it stood in the days of our
Redeemer, All carved out of wood is now being exhibited through
America And Attracting the Attention of many as the greatest work
of Art exhibited in the Last days I wrote A letter to Brother
Thomas Cartwright And made extracts from Letters
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