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Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1849

Journal Entry

February 21, 1849 ~ Wednesday

21st [FIGURE 1] I wrote 1 letter to Merrill C Pevey Lowell & one
to W I Appleby I ^went^ through Boston with Calvin Foss to
get him A chance in some organization to go to the
Calafornia gold Mines we went on board of the Sea Eagle &
Bark Emma Isidora the last I prefered


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Foss, Calvin Ichabod
10 Jan 1826 - 21 May 1908
34 mentions
13 mentions
Appleby, William Ivins
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870
64 mentions

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Letter from Almon Whiting Babbitt, 21 February 1849
Washington Elder W. WoodRuff Dear sir as I am about to leave this city for Home I wish to inform you that I have compleeted the arraingemet for a mail rout from Kane P. O. to the Grate Salt Lake & have taken the cont[r]act to carry It through six times this year you can inform the Saints in the East that they can corospond with ther friends at the Salt Lake the same as any othe[r] part of the U[nited]. State[s] if they send by the way of CoKanesville Pottawatmie county state of Iowa I wish you would communicate the fact to Br Orson Pratt in England I do not know his address or I would do so they can communicate with their friends the same as any other part of the U. S. I think that no important measure will pass the present session of congress in relation to a goverment in California I Remain as Ever your friend & Br A. W. Babbitt W Woodruff


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Feb 21, 1849