Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1849

Journal Entry

March 13, 1849 ~ Tuesday

A humanoid [FIGURES]
^March 1849^ 13th I this day called upon Francis N Mitchell stone seal engraver, Die
sinker &c, 15 Tremont Row, Boston. And searched A record entitled
General Armoury of England By John Burnard Burke Heraldry
(to find my coat of Arms which I found to be the following)

Woodroffe or Woodruff Lord Mayor of London 1579 Poyle, Co
Surrey). G U. on a chev ar, crest A Dexter ar three Bucks
heads erased sa a cheif perfess nebulee, sa and ar crest—
A Dexter arm embowed Habited with leaves vert holding in
the hand a branch of Honeysuckle all ppr.

Woodroffe Paly of six gu and ar a bend gobonated az and or
crest A Demi ppr (Lady) vested ar, Holding in the Dexter hand a
civic crown or.


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Burke, John Bernard
5 Jan 1814 - 12 Dec 1892
2 mentions
Historical Figure
4 mentions
Family, Historical Figure


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I called upon Francis N. Mitchell stone, seal engraver &c 15 Tremont Row Boston and searched a record entitled General Armoury of England by John Burnard Burke Heraldry. I found my coat of arms to be the following Woodroffe or Woodruff Lord Mayor of London 1579 Payle ^Poyle^ ^Pahyle^ Co Surrey Gn. on a chev. ar, three Bucks heads erased Sa. a chief perfess nebulee Sa and ar Crest A Dexter arm embowed Habited with leaves vert holding in the hand a branch of Honeysuckle all P Pr. Woodroffe Paly of six Gu and Ar a bend z ^g^obonated az and or crest. A Demi P. Pr (Lady) vested Ar Holding in the Dexter hand a Civic Crown or.


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Mar 13, 1849