Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1849

Journal Entry

March 30, 1849 ~ Friday

30th It is still A rainy day this past week has been almost one
universal scene of storm, wind, & rain. Rhoda Foss has lain at
our House quiette sick with A fever Mrs Woodruff & myself
prayed with her in the night & administered unto her and she
began to recover. we also recieved A letter from Br Samuel Hard
saying that Br Josiah Hardy was vary sick & wished us to pray
for him and we made his case A special subject of prayer.

There is A report in theis days papers that Col Freemont lost 120
Mules in one night with the cold & snow of the Mountains, which
left him on foot And All his party perished & eat each other up
all died but himself, & he vary badly frost bitten. this is the seco[nd]
party of Missourians who have died A miserable death & each eats
[the] other up what is the cause of this The measure they meet is
measured unto them again [Matthew 7:2] they one put the prophets patriarchs
& Apostles in chains in prision & fed them on human flesh even
the flesh of their brethren that state with this Nation has some
heavy bills to pay & serious things to Meet so prepare for it

It has since been ascertained that all of the company did not
perish but 120 Mules died in one night & all baggage was lost
except one trunk 11 men perished in trying to get to the


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Foss, Rhoda Harriet Richards
19 Apr 1830 - 19 Nov 1881
24 mentions
Hardy, Samuel Bradford
21 Sep 1804 - 9 Sep 1899


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Mar 30, 1849