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Day in the Life

May 14, 1849

Journal Entry

May 14, 1849 ~ Monday

14th We baptized 1, & I confirmed her, then took cars
with Br Sweat [and] Sister Pratt & rode to Worcester then to Boston
I spent a little time in Boston I called upon Br Cannon saw Elder
Thomas McKenzie pack up a large box of books near 400 lbs which he
has collected in Boston for schools in the valley he has been faithful in
his mission in collecting books during the past season to assist the Saints
in collecting esstablishing schools in the valley of the Mountains, I
went home & spent the night.

There has been a great Mob of late
[FIGURE] in New York the papers have been full of it for several days. The
Boston Daily times contained a long article headed Dreadful Riot and
Bloodshead, At the Astor Place Theatre, the Military called out, fireing on the
people Awful sacrifice of Life, 21 Persons Killed, 33 wounded, & 53
of the rioters Arested. On Thursday night May 10th 1849 a mob of
20000 collected at the above Theatre in consequence of the appearance
of Mr Macready an Englishman upon the Stage. The Military [was] called out


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

26 mentions
Pratt, Mary Ann Frost
14 Jan 1809 - 24 Aug 1891
21 mentions
8 mentions
Macready, William Charles
3 Mar 1793 - 27 Apr 1873
2 mentions
18 mentions

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
place in the discharge of my ministerial duties and on the I returned home to my family and spent a little time in Boston where I saw Brother Cannon and Elder Thomas


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May 14, 1849