Day in the Life

May 31, 1849

Journal Entry

May 31, 1849 ~ Thursday

31st [FIGURE] An arrow A hand pointing to the right I recieved Another letter to Day saying from Elder
Jacob Gibson from Philadelphia saying they had recieved
further word concerning the death of Elder Appleby And his
company He says Br Hammer writes from Jefferson City Mo
to his Brother in Phil. saying the following persons had died
of the cholera W. I. Appleby, Adams & wife & 2 children,
Malin, Mrs Hammer & child, & Hand, wife & child, Hall, &
Sister Granger And A number of the Venners & more not
named ^June 13 Elder Appleby is alive the rest named are dead^

Also the Boston Daily times Has the following concerning the
companies going to the gold Digings. "Letters from Indipenda-
Mo say that the cholera is sweeping evry thing before [it]
Among those who have Died there is Lieut Schenck of
the Navy. Gloom reigns on evry side. Business is at a complete
stand. All the Calafornians have putty much left in a fright
The cholera rages so extensively among some of the emigrating
parties that they do not even stop to bury their Dead. Corpses
Are found wraped in their winding sheets lying along the
road in heeps of five & six together. The scene on evry
side is painful & Horrible in the extreme"

I held A meeting at My house An Infidel of the worst class
opposed After I Got through preaching his conversation was
nonsencs folly & Blagardism against God, Jesus Christ, and
All their revelations given for the benefit of man


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May 31, 1849