Day in the Life

Oct 13, 1849

Journal Entry

October 13, 1849 ~ Saturday

13th A hand pointing to the right ^ A single key with teeth to the left^ A hand pointing to the right I wrote two letters to day one to Allexander
at San Francisco & one to Orson Pratt of Liverpool
I sent A copy of the New York Herral weekly of Oct 13
to Orson Pratt, Orson Hyde, Allexander Badlam,
& Joseph Russell. This paper contained An eaccount
of the Saints organizing themselves into An Independent
sovreign state called the state of Deseret And appointing
their Govornor & other officers. Brigham Young was
elected Governor. This is certainly an important erie in the
History of the Church & kingdom of God. There has been
more written in the New York Herrald, Tribune, Sun, Boston
papers & many papers in the United States in favor of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints than has
been written before for many years. The editors of papers
begin to see that the Saints will prosper, rise up & build
Zion, nowithstanding all there efforts to crush us & destroy us
from off the Earth & when they now find us organized
into a State Government holding in our hands the Key of
the North American continant And that we lwill not die
but live & rise up in the midst of all our oppressions they begin
to speak in our favor & the world marvel at our prosperity
And one remarkable fact is that thousands of men who had
A hand in expelling us from the United States & drove us into
the wilderness have this season while on there way to the gold
have had to come bending unto the Saints & have had to look
to them to save them from starvation & death


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Badlam, Alexander, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


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I sent A copy of the New York Herral Weekly of Oct 13 to Orson Pratt, Orson Hyde, Allexander Badlam, & Joseph Russell. This Paper contained An account of the Saints organizing themselves into An Independent sovreign state called the state of Deseret And appointing their Govornor & other officers. Brigham Young was Elected Governor. This is certainly an important erie in the History of the Church & kingdom of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Alexander Badlam, 13 October 1849
Cambridgeport Dear Brother Badlam As the steamer is to leave New York in few days again, I feel disposed to forward you a few lines again & give you an Index of what News their is going on in this county the last I herd from you was the letter written at San Francisco after you had been there 5 days. Your family are all well up to this date Mary & Sarah are going to a private school at present. Sister Badlam does not seem to have a chance to sell much if any varnish. They have vary close work to get along at present I think. The same is the case with myself, yet when she calls upon me I divide with, her I hope you will be able to send sumthing to her this fall in some way, I do not make this remark because I have a thought that you forgot your family, I know better than that for I believe they occupy a strong place in your heart & thoughts day by day, but I name it because I think It will be a hard matter for them to depend upon Mr McClure th[r]ough the winter, or to [Chance]. I will also say that a few days since I recieved a good letter from the presidentcy of the Church in the valley of the Salt Lake president Young councelles me to come to the valley Next summer & bring all I can with me. I am therefore now making my calculations to go to the west in the Spring but I do not know how I can get means to do it with or where it will come from. And if your circumstances were such as to put any thing in my way to help me about getting out, I should recieve it with a greatful Heart & if an oppertunity offered would reward you for it. As to News I will say that during the Last two weeks the New York & Boston papers and scores of others papers in the states are full of Mormonism. The Latter Day Saints in the valley of the Mountains Have organized an indipendent Sovreign State Government Appointed a Governor (Brigham Young) & all necessary officers, & have two Representatives (A W Babbitt & Dr Bernhisel) to congress to lay before the Government their petition to be recieved as a State into the Union the whole procedings are published in nearly all the Eastern papers & most of the papers advocate the cause & say recieve them into

Oct 13, 1849