Day in the Life

Dec 8, 1849

Journal Entry

December 08, 1849 ~ Saturday

8th I rode with Israel Ivins 25 miles to Freehold in the
stage 15 Rail Road 20 miles in steem Boat to New York
30 miles I recieved 3 letters from Mrs. W, Col. Kane and
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box Dr Bernhisel. I wrote 2 letters to Col Kane
& Dr Bernhisel spent the night with Br T Cartwright 90 m


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Ivins, Israel
19 May 1815 - 16 Apr 1897
7 mentions
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Cartwright, Thomas
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873
Kane, Thomas Leiper
27 Jan 1822 - 26 Dec 1883


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Letter to Thomas Leiper Kane and John Milton Bernhisel, 8 December 1849
New York Col Kane Dear Sir I have just ar[ri]ved in this city and recived your Note together with Dr Bernhisels Letter who are direct from him to me. I wrote to him the evening I ^last^ saw you also sent him another the next day requsting him to take the word Territory out of the petition before it was presented at Washington also remarked that I would rather the bill would be withdrawn than to recieve a Territory unless we had the fullest assureance given us by the presidet that officers of our own choice wshould be appointed Dr Bernhisel informs me that they are instructed to ask for a Territory if they cannot get a State then as a last resort if the State fails we must use every possible exhertion to get our own officers appoited and trust the event in the hands of God. I shall write Dr Bernhisel immediately. I will say I have been enabled to procure letters of recommendation for Dr Bernhisel to the Senators and Representatives from the State of Maine who have promised to op [opt] for our cause That peace Health, Strength and prosperity may attend you is the cincere prayer of yours Truly Wilford Woodruff
Letter from Joseph Russell, 8 December 1849
Miramichi President WoodRuff Beloved Brother I again ^aknolege^ the Recept of of Esteemd favor of the of the 23rd Oct and I again lay my self subject to Humbely to apoligze for my delay in writing to your Elder at your Request but under all sercomstance althow my mind is not in the least deceided and althow my Hevenly Father is manafesting His kindness to me always and I wold feel I wold put all my trust in him yet I cannot avide being carefull. after I Receved your letter some time I Received a letter from Capt Mc Pharson of his arrival in Liverpool, he being the last that dids Sale and ther was no word of the uthers ^there^ yet by the 9th of Nov Mabe I Recived a letter from Capt Mc Pherson of all ther arrivals in liverpool after ^an^ Exp- eriencing very bad weather but of no materal loss I was very glad to see that all was will with you and your afactinat Famaly at the time you wrote as it is with us at present. I my self am kept much under with the Rhumatism in my hipe Joint and my Business at ^this^ time causis me to be on ^[pain]^ in a [worseing] way all the time. Brother WoodRuff I feel very thankfull to you for your very particklar atintion in giveing me Every Information that you can in your letter and I can only ^say^ that its contants andre much Esteemed and Duly Noted to-geather with the Extract of President Youngs letter. ther Cannot ^be a^ Doubt but it most through a surest prospect upon your vew. you who Experienced the troubels of the Discovery of the Great Valey for the location of ^the^ Saints and its organization and then you being sent out to gather the pepepel ^people^ Even the Saints and aftre two years gathering youre counceled to Return to Receve a welcom Reception by the fruit of your labor. it is a flattery of ordinary kind its Reward will be no less than griat Exaltion. I should certently been very happy to have had your Company but as its not to the Case


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Dec 8, 1849