Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1850

Journal Entry

March 12, 1850 ~ Tuesday

[FIGURE] 12th We had one of the heardest snow storms this mo
rning that I ever saw there was About 12 inches of snow
fell in 3 hours I went into Boston with Ilus ofF Carter
to continue the purchase of goods we made a Bill of Hard
ware Nails &c of $ [blank] Also a Bill of $600 of Boots
& shoes

Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to
day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridge-
He had been gone one year to that country He was
truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He
Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He broug
ht me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from
several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill
A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received
under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837.
He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the
sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many
orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
Brother Badlam called upon me in the evening & we had
a plesant interview together.

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received An interesting letter from Capt
Joseph JRussell I wrote A letter to Joseph Russell 12 m[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Badlam, Alexander, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840


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Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridge- port He had been gone one year to that country He was truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He broug- ht me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837. He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

Boston Mr. Wilford Woodruff. Bought of Chas. Scudder & Co. 1/2 du [doz] "Ames" C. S. Spades 10.22 6 1 [doz] Howards [C. S.] Shovels 7 75 1/2 [doz] Manure Forks Ng 9.50 4 75 2 [doz] Plym^p^tons [Forks] Best C. S. Hoes 5.00 10 00 1 [doz] Phenix Pitch Forks No 2 6 1 [doz] Waldun Corn Scythes 11.00 11 1 [doz] [Waldun] Grass [Scythes] 7.50 7 50 1 [doz] Wilsons Ir[o]n Coffee Mills 2.00 2 75 1/2 lbs. Brass Kettles c 36 27 18 2 doz Manilla Bed Cords 2.25 4 50 2 [doz] Wire Seives 1.50 3 2 [doz] No 6 Wool Cords 2.25 4 50 2 [doz] [No] 4 T. S. Sickles 4.00 8 1/2 [doz] Screw Drivers 7 Inc[h] 4.00 2 00 1/2 [doz] Best C. S. Wood Saws ยข 8.50 4 25 1/2 [doz] Saw Frames 2.00 1 00 1/2 [doz] Hilbards C. S. Handsaws 26 9.00 4 50 1/4 [doz] Grives [C. S. Handsaws] 15.00 3 75

Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

658.70 Settled by draft . 9 Mo on Sanborn & Carter, Portland Charles Scudder & Co

Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ugh]t of Joseph Whitney & Co #1 60 Mens Kip pegd Brogans Buf[d] [continued on next page] 2 50 [Mens] Lined & bound peg[ge]d Brog[ans] [continued on next page] 3 12 [Mens] Thick [pegd] Boots [continued on next page] [3] 25 Boys Lined & bound [pegd] Brogan[s] [continued on next page] 4 12 Mens Thick [pegd] Boots [continued on next page] [4] 24 Womens Wax [pegd] Lace [Boots] [continued on next page] 5 12 Mens Thick [pegd Boots] [continued on next page] [5] 12 [Mens Thick pegd] Brogans [continued on next page] 6 12 [Mens Thick pegd Brogans] [continued on next page] [6] 12 [Mens Thick pegd] Boots [continued on next page] 7 12 [Mens] Kips [pegd] welt [Boots] [continued on next page] [7] 24 Womens Calf [pegd] Lace [Boots] [continued on next page] 8 12 Mens Kip [pegd] 1/2 welt [continued on next page] [8] 36 Womens calf [pegd] Buskins [continued on next page] 9 12 Mens best Kip pegd 1/2 Boots [continued on next page] [9] 24 Womens Grained R. R. Ties [continued on next page] [9] 24 [Womens] Kid [R. R. Ties] [continued on next page] 10 12 Mens fine Calf Pegd 1/2 welt Boots [continued on next page]

Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850


Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

Boston Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ugh]t of Hue &c Mason 8978 3 1/2 Doz. Mix Palmleaf Hats 2 50 1 [Doz Mix] Rngr [Palmleaf Hats] 1 00


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Mar 12, 1850