Day in the Life

Jun 15, 1851

Journal Entry

June 15, 1851 ~ Sunday

15th Sunday President Brigham Young Addressed the congrega-
tion of the Saints in the following words.

I would like to say enoug in few words to fill three sermons
I have had to deliver my discourses in few words. I wish the
people to sustain the priesthood as the priesthood. As to the opin-
ion of man concerning myself As a man I care no more about
it than I do the dust under my feet. I dont care what you
say about me If you will ownly serve the Lord our God do the people
live so as to know the voice of the Good shepherd. I wish to state
one item Here which concerns you seriously, that is concerning
the Indians Here. They are Ignorant have been taught to steel
& kill from their childhood & those who could do the most of it were
considerd the greatest Braves & chiefs as soon as they begin to steel
Here many of you want them killed. Compare their circumsta
nces with your own. You are taught from your cradles not to
steal or kill as it is a great crime now do you kill a white man
as soon as He steals weigh this subject well. Those who wish
them killed for stealing A Horse reduce themselves far Below the
Indian. You love them as well as I do, But when the curse
is taken off they will again be fit for society But while they
are in their degraded state it rests upon us to use wisdom &
judgment in their behalf. I say to the Saints kill evry white
man you see stealing & not kill the Indian for it for the white men
know better. I speak to the Saints not as the Govornor of Utah But you
& I are sent to save Israel not to kill them. Evry Elder that croses
a certain line I do not wish to see him But those who do right or
seek to do right if they commit an error we will forgive them
I do not Ask for influence ownly what God gives me Neither will
I give any man influence ownly what the Lord & his own good

conduct gives him for if God does not give A man influence
all els will be of No use to him. If I do the work of God i all is
well But I will give No man influence ownly what God gives
A Few words to families who have not a Head to govern
will be destroyed. The man is the Head of the family & should
govern it. the Hand may say to the Head if I really thought you
would govern right I would be governed by you but I am afraid
you will not And I want to govern you & dictate the Head then the
shoulders & stomach will want to dictate But does not good sens teach
you that your Head should Govern your Body your experience teaches
the same. Your Head dictates you what to do & when your Head
dictates the dBody to do wickedly & pollute the Body then the Head
should be cut off so as not to pollute the Body any longer

G A Smith remarked that there was some Bodies who could not
act unless the Belly told the Head what to do. In the strict sens of
the word No man is qualifyed to be jud[g]e & rule in the priesthood
untill He is qualifyed to rule Himself, & be king over himself
it is thus in families children & Mothers Have you a good
Husband & Father let the wife rule the Husband & she will keep
him tied to the dish cloth & kitchen all the days of his life & it
proves A curse upon him. Their is a curse upon man that
I would not take off if I could for in the experience you
have you are led to salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ

Do you know your calling Mothers? It is your duty to Brace up
your feelings as men have to do & Be Mystress of your House
I go to the House to rest the Mother sayes ["]I cannot govern the
children I wish you would["] But this is not right the Elders
of this church have to go abroad to preach the gospel they
cannot be with their children when they come Home to
spend a little time they want to daudle their children upon
their knee & not go to whiping them the Mother should gov[ern]
them wuntill the sons go with their Fathers in the field then
let the Father Govern. I can govern my children when
they are with me I would rather one of my sons would
stab me to the Heart & kill me dead than to conquer &
master me in government when any undertake to
govern out of their place they do not prosper. As An ensample
P P Pratt & John Taylor undertook to govern & controll &
set right my affairs at winter Quarters while I was on
a pioneer Journey to the Mountains & they liked to have destro
yed many But I said peace be still And I saved the people
I say to Mothers in the Name of the Lord God of Israel do your
duty dont Ask the Father to whip the child do it yourself if
necessary & let Mothers controll their daughters untill they go
to their Husbands. But let the Man rule & preside over His houshold
And I say to the Men do not go home & abuse your wives becaus
of what I have said But treat them kindly what would
you think of A man who would get up before A glass &
cut & tear his own heart out As well of him As I would
of A man who would Beat & abuse his wife.

President Richards remarked Evry man makes His own Hell or Heaven
if we keep the commandments & do right we have A Heaven within
us all the time 40 Men & all the devils in Hell cannot make a Hell for us if
[we] do right But if you stop to parley with the devil He will soon get the Advantage
over you & make a Hell for you

A single key with teeth to the left During the evening we met for prayer After which the president
taught us much to our edifycation. The spirit should controll the
Body the monitor whispers to the mind of man when it does [wrog] wrong
& sayes this is wrong points out the right path & sayes walk ye in it
the soul or spirit of man wants feeding as well as the Body or it
will dry up & wither like the quakers & other sects

A Mormon Boy will whip out the priest we will advance untill we
can stand in the society of the gods, then let us do right & keep the
commandments of God in all things. Our knowledge comes By experi[enc]e
it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of All kinds
in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we
get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our High
stations to become Gods organize worlds & controle them. All
our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a
right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but
condescended, to take a Body in its impure state was married
to it will continue with it through time in mortality through
Eternnity in Immortality. In speaking of the married state
sayes if man & wife become Alliniated from each other it is
in one sens the spirit of Adultery


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3448 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1955 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I will not cast of[f] any man untill he cast himself off I will not reject any man untill he rejects himself, I will hold on to any man as long as he has any prospect of salvation.
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Richards remarked Evry man makes his own Hell or Heaven if we keep the commandments & do right we have a Heaven within us all the time 40 Men & all the devils in Hell cannot make a Hell for us if [we] do right but if you stop to parley with the devil he will soon get the advantage over you & make a Hell for you
~ Willard Richards
let us do right & keep the commandments of God in all things.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our knowledge comes by experi[ence] it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of all kinds in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our high stations to become Gods Organize worlds & controle them. All our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but condescended to take a body in its impure state was married to it will continue with it through time in mortality through Eternity in Immortality.
~ Wilford Woodruff
In speaking of the married state sayes if man & wife become alliniated from each other it is in one sens the spirit of adultery
~ Wilford Woodruff
we may know by the spirit of God what is in a mans heart before he speaks, at all times listen to the still small voice of the spirit of God and it will save the saints from many snares.
~ Brigham Young
If you get angry dont sin nor let the sun go down upon your wrath
~ Brigham Young
I do not expect perfection in men not what the world calls perfection I have seen a perfect prophet and perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had been as perfect as the people wished him to be he could not have lived with the people nor stayed this side of the veil as long as he did, we co[u]ld not have herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to been veiled Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord exp- ects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we shall be Angels or Goods we shall their advance to the God head if we do right.
~ Brigham Young
If we do not infringe upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time & Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other being we shall become Gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven does
~ Brigham Young

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I would like to say enough in few words to fill three sermons. I have to deliver my discourses in few words


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Jun 15, 1851