Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1852

Journal Entry

January 27, 1852 ~ Tuesday

26, , , , , 31 I spent this week in the Legislature


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the Lord will govern the helm of the States & Nations for the final good of the world & to his honor & glory & for the benefit of the Saints
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Willard Trowbridge Snow, 27 January 1852
Glasgo Beloved brother Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir Having safely landed on this side the rolling deep among the Saints in these British Islands in good health and spirits I avail myself of the present opportunity to redeem at an early day the promise I made you of writing in the which I wish also to stir up your pure mind by way of rememberance of a similer favour which you promised me previous to my leaving Salt Lake City Although I may not have any thing to write of sufficent importance to interest you much yet I am nevertheless not the less anxious to know what has befallen the Saints and of all that passes in the wilderness among the vallies & mountans a choice spot of earth rendered doubly dear to me since my departure by ten thousand sacred recollections of the past never to be forgotten It is true as you well know that I had set my heart on enjoying the society of my brother in councill the present winter and discoursing over matters of interest for the good of the common cause relating to both politicks & religion & as well as policy & power of our civil govermant but was unexpectedly called away into a new field of labour and now find myself I had like to have said alone in this foreign country so far from my former friends and neare and deer associates that it is with difficulty I can even hear from them except through those fugitive officers from Utah viz Brochus Brandebury & Harris who seem to be inspired by three unclean spirits to Gather to gather all the false and slanderous misrepresentations and accusations that have been circulated by the Great accuser of the brether for the last twenty years and embody them all in one official bundle in the which they have poured out the vials of their wrath without mixture into the capital city of washington calculated to arouse ^the people^ and agan kindle war against the remnants of the saints who have the testimony of Jesus & keep his commandments & have fled and are fleeing to the wilderness among the mountains for a place of safety & reffuge from among the Nations Their official Report to President Filmore together with the news of the furning burning of a large portion


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Jan 27, 1852