Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1853

Journal Entry

January 23, 1853 ~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I attended meeting Elder O Hyde preached
said we should acknowledge the hand of God in all things refer
ed to Martin Luther the refermation &c & said the hand of God
was in it & that He had inspired Columbus & many men to per
form certain works & who knows but what he inspired Mohomd
to cause the people to acknowledg one god & one prophet. Martin
Luther with others created a great change in his day from
Popary, to more freedom of conscience in religious & political
matters & the way has been prepared in process of time so the
kingdom of God has been esstablished & so with all the events of
the present day steem power, rail roads Telegraph lines, & all the
revolutions of the present Nations may we not acknowledge the
hand of God in them all as bringing to pass the purposes of the
Lord. The Lord says he is angry with none exsept those who do
not acknowledge his hand in all things No man can find out God
we shall not noknow as much as God for then there would would
be two competitors on the Throne we may see the day when we
shall know as much as God does now but then He will know as much
more at that time than we as he does now. if we do wrong we shall
be chastized for it if we do well we shall have our reward for that

P. P. Pratt followed & said how could doors be open in China
& other parts of the world if God had not moved upon some
of the Nations to cause a change among the nations & to have the
bible printed in the different languages so the people could have
the scriptures to read. After men have published the bible &
got $50,000 dollars for the same if they wont receive the fulness
of the gospel when they hear it the Lord can say to them you
are well paid for what you have done & if you wont do any more
go your way I will raise up somebody else so dont you complain as
you have got your pay I fell thankful for a few truths that are abr[oa]d
in the world as it prepares the way for many more

Brother A Lyman followed & said He was glad to hear what
had been said He felt to acknowledge the hand of God in all things many
might say we would have bettered our condition if we had gone to
Calafornia but if you had gone there you would have gone whare
the devil would have had a chance to have spewed his filth over you
fo it would have been like going into the midst of hell some complan
about these Hills, deserts & mountains it is in consequence of these
things that we are here if we were in a desireable spot whare
the gentiles would wish to occupy it we would have trouble
from them & these are some of the things we ought to be thakful
for those persons that would be discontented with this people
would be discontented in paradise & they might have the
making of it themselves it would add much to the happiness
of mankind if they would be submissive to those powers which
they cannot controll but which ought to controll them

I met in councel with the Presidency & Twelve in the Afternoon
for prayer. I Attended meeting in the Afternoon evening at
14th ward school house & preached to the people


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
20 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
15 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
abt. 570-632 AD
1 mention
Historical Figure
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
696 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions


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Now is the time to get your salvation & exhaltation it has to be done here your words thought acts & deeds are daily either Exhalting or debasing you if you are not geting your exhaltation here you will not get it hereafter then try to improve your time here & get salvation daily if you pay strct attention to yourselves in all things you will not have much time to attends to the faults of your neighbors
~ Brigham Young

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday Orson Hyde preached upon the subject that the hand of God had been in the working out of the events and changes among the nations to prepare for his work—such as the reformation of Luther and others God's inspiring Columbus to the discovery of America the invention of railroads telegraphs &c and in the revolutions among the nations. Parley P. Pratt and Amasa Lyman followed both advocating the same views.


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Wilford appointed clerk and historian of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at age 45.
Wilford serves third term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Jan 23, 1853