Day in the Life

May 27, 1855

Journal Entry

May 27, 1855 ~ Sunday

Sunday 27th The camp was called at 3 oclock in the morning
Arropene with his band had been camped upon the bank of Jordon for a day or
two to have an interview with the Govornor & as we began to leave the
ground at the break of day they discoverd our camp moving & set up
a howl hoop or hollow for us to stop but Brother Huntington the interpeter
waited till they came up they inquired if we were mad. Interpeter
answered no the Governor answered no had presents for them for giving
up the murderers of Gunnison but it was sunday & he wished to get
to the city to attend meeting we left the point of the mountain & rode
to the Great Salt Lake City by 9 oclock 25 miles thus we had made
a Journey to Cedar City via Sanpete & back a distance of 3600 miles
in less than 3 weeks. Brother Charry stoped & took breakfast
with us then went on home. I found my family well on my return
home A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Ilus & many books & papers
from J. M. Bernhisel by the Eastern mail. we found that nearly all
the wheat crops & other vegitable were eat up by the grass hoppers through
the Territory as far as we went & most of the crops & vegitables in
the city gardens were also destroyed.

On our arival in the city we
separated to our several homes. we attended meeting in the afternoon in
the Tabernacle & found a full House. J. M. Grant spoke to the people was followed
By H. C. Kimball & B Young the spirit of the Lord rested upon the people
& those hwho spoke & we had a good meeting. after President Young

closed, Arrowpene the chief that was appointed in Walker plase arose
asked the privilege to speak President Young alintroduced him to the people
He gave a short but spirited address which was interpeted by Brother
Huntington the purport of his Addresse was was texhorting the people
to give heed to the council of President Young if they would do
this & keep the spirit of the Lord they would not be sick & die
as the wicked do but would be healthy the Lord is given you great
blessings in food & rament oxen cows & horses & we should be faithfu[l]
& thankful. I attended the prayer circle in the evening & had a good
time I herd several letters read from Joseph Smith upon the Islands
Joseph Young Wm CKimball, G M Grant & others which were vary
interesting & showed that thate spirit of the Fathers was in them


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family
Chief Arapeen
23 mentions
Native American
28 mentions
Native American
Huntington, Dimick Baker
26 May 1808 - 1 Feb 1879
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1456 mentions
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4129 mentions
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Kimball, William Henry
26 Apr 1826 - 29 Dec 1907

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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
Next day was Sunday the . The camp was called at 3 o'clock in the morning. Arropene with his band had been camped upon the bank of Jordan for a day or two


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May 27, 1855