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Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1855

Journal Entry

October 29, 1855 ~ Monday

29, 30 & 31. I spent the time at home labouring


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I preached in great plainness to the people upon the subject of keeping the commandments of God. The spirit of the Lord rested upon me & we had a good meeting.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1855-10-29
W Woodruff said as there were a Number of young persons present He wished to give a ^word of^ council to them. Our sister who was is taken from us was taken away suddnenly & in the morning & Bloom of youth which has closed her work in this probation all of us esspecially the youth should lay these things to heart & be also Ready we have heard a strong testimony to day that she had secured unto Herself Eternal Life this is the Greatest of all the gifts of God & I hope the young as well as the old will do likewise we should remember that our Eternal Destiny Depends upon our course in this Life & that for every act we shall be brought into Judgment therefore the youth should be admonished to improve well their time, act well their part, & treasure up the word of God in their Hearts that they may bring forth good fruit so that if they are called as suddenly unto the Eternal world as this our sister has been they may be satisfied with their lives, but if we store our minds with vanity & folly & those things which do not Eminate from God which is the source of all truth it will cause us pain & sorrow of Heart & we shall deeply repeat it. we should Receive the Doctrine & Council of the presidency of this Church that it may prove a Blessing & not a curse unto us. I can say with president Young that I would


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Oct 29, 1855