Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1855

Journal Entry

December 20, 1855 ~ Thursday

1220th I spent the fore part of the day writing & the afternoon in
the council attending to the legislative business


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we can be made vessels of honour what can we be made vessels of honour after we have moved in the hands of the potter & ground over again yes this will be the case with man but it is far better to be passive in the hands of God & be made a vessel of honor the first time than to wait thill till we have to be ground over again this is a figure which the prophet Jeremiahah made use of. Now President Young is the Master Potter here on Earth & we should be subject to him in all things we should all remember that we have got to render up our stewardship to God therefore we should be faithful in all things. And I pray that the spirit of God may rest upon you that you may do right & be saved with a full salvation. And I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Heber C. Kimball
22 I spent the day in reading & writing I read the Books of Ecclesiastes, songs of Solomon, & Isaiah through And I could see by the Prophet Isaiah that one of the causes of the universal destruction & abolishment of all the gentile Nations upon the face of the whole Earth in the last days will be in consequence of the univer- sal Ill treatment of the House of Israel viz the Jews among all Nations & the Lamanites in America.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow, 20 December 1855
Answered Dec 23rd 1855
Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 20 December 1855
Washington Wilford Woodruff Esq Dear Brother, Your interesting letter of the 28th of October has been received. I am gratified to learn that there will be sufficient breadstuff in the Territory until another harvest, but I regret to hear that the Indians manifest a disposition to become troublesome again, and particularly of the massacre of three of our brethren. I am greatly obliged by your kindness in taking bad flour and giving me good. I hope that the flour you will receive in future from brother Houtz will be good. The agreement with brother Houtz was that he should take the goods as marked by you. I am sorry that some of my goods have been injured. Be pleased to write me frequently. My kind regards to sister Woodruff. Yours truly John M. Bernhisel


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Dec 20, 1855